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Jemma called up from the bottom of the stairs. "Stiles is here!"

"One minute!"

In her room, Sierra exhaled deeply and smoothed out her maroon dress to perfection, and nervously checked her makeup one last time. Her eyelashes, dramatically long, accentuated her baby blue eyes and the girl in front of the mirror felt truly beautiful for the first time in a while. She quickly grabbed her black wedges and slipped them on over her painted toes. Her hair fell down in waves, partially twisted and pinned to the sides of her head, which revealed two simple diamond studs in her ears.

"Alright, Page," she hyped herself up in a whisper. "You got this. It's just a dance....with your best friend turned crush. It's fine. Everything will be fine."

At the bottom of the stairs, Stiles talked to Jemma about the ruby rose corsage he held in his hands. It matched his deep red tie, the one Sierra helped him find at the mall that coordinated with her dress and dark charcoal suit. Jemma picked him up the day prior to find the perfect flowers to tie everything together. He prayed Sierra would like it. 

Jemma gasped from beside him so he looked up, the butterflies in his chest exploding as he laid sight on Sierra. He was completely speechless as she carefully walked down the steps with a wide smile on her lips.

She looked breathtaking and Stiles thought he was going to fall into cardiac arrest if Sierra continued to smile as brightly as she did. "Hey," she greeted him joyfully, her eyes seeming even brighter as they crinkled at the sides from her smile.

Jemma teared up at the sight of her little sister and pulled her into a tight hug. Hearing Sierra laugh at the action, Stiles swore he felt his knees buckle. He still hadn't said anything to her, his throat now dry from nerves, but he swallowed the fear down with a gulp.

"You look...absolutely beautiful," Stiles stated.

Sierra's cheeks burned the shade of her dress from the compliment.

"And you look very handsome," she admitted to him. Her gaze flickered down to the flower in his hands and smiled. "Is that for me?"

Stiles nodded, not trusting his voice with his red cheeks. She held out her left hand, and he gently pushed the corsage on to her wrist.

"I have something for you too," Sierra grinned and Jemma handed her another rose she pulled out from behind her back. Seeing his confused expression, Sierra stepped closer to him. "It's called a boutonniere," she explained and pinned it on the lapel of his suit jacket. "Now we match."

He held her eye, lips quirked up in a smile. "Now we match," he echoed.

"Okay, I know you guys want to get to the dance, but may I have at least a couple pictures?" Jemma interrupted and held up her camera.

"Of course!" Sierra led Stiles over to the steps and elegantly sat down with her ankles crossed. He sat above her and they both grinned at the lens. They continued to switch poses until Jemma said she wanted one more with her iPhone, but it was in the living room. While she disappeared, Stiles gained a surge of confidence. He pulled Sierra closer to him with his hands on her waist.

"Are you ready to dance your feet off, Page?" he asked her and leaned forward so their foreheads touched.

Sierra gazed up at him and smiled. He recognized the familiar mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "You know I am, Stilinski."

"Got it!" Jemma called out, and the teenagers broke apart to see her standing there, shoving her iPhone in her pocket. Confused, Sierra tilted her head and spoke her thoughts about her sister getting one more picture. Jemma shook her head, her lips turned up into a grin. "I already got it, don't worry. Now you guys should probably go. It's already eight."

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