Twenty- Seven

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THE WEEKEND FLEW past way too quickly in Sierra's opinion and when she walked into the dreaded high school that was Beacon Hills, her blue eyes struggled to stay open. Her long dirty-blonde hair was pulled into a messy ponytail piled a little higher than the base of her neck and she was wearing her track shirt from State last year underneath her leather jacket. Walking down the hallway with her feet inside her black and white sneakers, her hand rubbed her face tiredly. Honestly, she wasn't paying attention and almost fell over when she stumbled into someone.  "Five minutes back and I'm already being pushed around again," a familiar male voice teased and Sierra felt herself freeze.

Turning around, her eyes widened at the sight of Isaac smirking at her, clad in what seemed to be Derek's dress code of a leather jacket and a dark T-shirt.

"Isaac?" her mouth slipped out in surprise before she couldn't even think

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"Isaac?" her mouth slipped out in surprise before she couldn't even think. His smirk widened and he stuffed his hands into the pocket of his jeans.

"Been my name since birth," the curly-haired boy replied wittily as Sierra cleared her throat and straightened her back.

"What're you doing here?" She asked. "I thought you weren't allowed to be-"

"I'm no longer a suspect," he interrupted her, referring to his dad's murder. Isaac noticed how her heart picked up when she realized it was him, and how just now it sped up even more at his statement. "So how have you been?" He asked, nervously biting his lip while the pretty girl in front of him glanced down at her shoes.

She adjusted the strap of her backpack on her shoulder and looked him straight in the eye. "Well, instead of watching a normal lacrosse game on Friday, I was forced to go for a swim to help your alpha-almost dying again in the process. So to answer your question, I've been peachy."

Isaac winced at the sharpened tone of her voice and awkwardly nodded. "Yeah, Derek filled me in on a few things."

Not being able to handle the weird tension, Sierra sighed. "What're you really doing here, Isaac? There is no way that you actually wanted to come back to this place."

"Maybe I just missed you," the beta flirted cheekily but she just stared at him blankly. Crossing her arms over her chest, she raised an eyebrow because she wanted him to tell her the truth. She didn't buy any of his words; she knew Isaac Lahey. Once she found out about his abusive dad, it wasn't hard to figure out that that was the reason he always worked so hard in all of his classes. Other than that, Isaac hated socialization and only talked when he was spoken to out on the lacrosse field. He never was this straight forward and cocky.

While Sierra awaited her answer, Scott was at his locker down the hall. Hearing Sierra's voice had made him turn his head and when he saw the tall werewolf by her side, his brown eyes doubled in size. Why was Isaac back at school? As far as he knew, they didn't notice that he was watching them but he only peeked his head around his locker door just in case. He heard the blue-eyed guy flirt with one of his best friends and how his heart skipped a beat when she forced a smile, which caused him to narrow his eyes in anger and disbelief.

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