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People ask that sort of question all of the time, whether they're caught up in an awkward situation or forced to be somewhere and would rather be anywhere else. Sierra was the victim of case number two.

Allison opened her closet doors but turned around to face Sierra lying on the bed, holding her head up in her hands.

"You helped me the other night for Lydia's party," the Argent girl told her with a smile. "So, now I need your help again."

Sierra pointed to the strawberry blond next to her, "But Lydia's here."


"Fashion is her life!" Sierra argued. Lydia laughed and playfully tossed her hair over her shoulder.

"Can't argue with that, but Allison is right," Lydia said with a shrug of her shoulders and examined Sierra's outfit. "You have great taste, and this date is important."

Sierra pouted but kept silent as Allison started to dig through her closet once more. "This?"

Both friends looked at the black shirt with a brown design Allison held up and winced.


Allison raised a brow but hung it back up and placed a rainbow shirt against her body.

"Pass," Lydia replied and cocked her head as she awaited the next choice.

Allison rubbed the back of her neck and started to feel overwhelmed while she stared aimlessly at her clothes.

Sierra saw her friend's conflict and stood up, walking over to the closet.

"Here, let me see if I can find something for you."

Sierra moved the hangers to the right and searched for something to bring out Allison's dark eyes; she knew her best friend, and Scott melted every time he made eye contact with the girl. A grin overtook her lips as she pulled out a sparkly black top. She spun on her heel and held it up to the teenagers for judgment.

Allison's eyes widened, and she took the shirt from Sierra's hands.

"I approve," Lydia nodded, impressed, which was the sign that this was the outfit.

Scott's date held it up against her figure to examine in the mirror and smiled widely at Sierra.

"Thank you, Sierra!"

"No problem," Sierra replied happily.

The bedroom door opened, and the girls turned their attention to Mr. Argent while he walked in. "Dad, hello," Allison greeted him, slightly embarrassed.

He gave a half-smile before he realized what he had done. "Right," he sighed and looked down. "I'm sorry, I-I forgot to knock."

Lydia flopped down on the bed and grinned at the adult. "Hey, Mr. Argent."

Sierra chuckled and sat at Allison's desk chair, watching the father and daughter converse.

Allison ran her hand through her curly hair and looked at him. "Dad, do you need something?"

"I wanted to tell you that you'll be staying in tonight," he informed firmly.

"What?" Allison asked, puzzled. "I'm going out with my friends tonight."

Chris adjusted his jacket and glanced up at his only daughter. "Not while some animal is attacking people," he answered.

However, Chris knew the animal attacks were just a cover. He'd trained to hunt and kill werewolves since he was eighteen; it was a family legacy. He had always wanted to pass it on to Allison, but she wasn't ready yet. She would need to train first.

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