Chapter One (Rewritten)

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So, hyellow. Here is zeh first chapter of the rewritten version of this book. :) Love you guys.

P.S. It's more of an intro, but it's going to fill in a few things that I won't really explain later in the book.


Phoenix Veil

2 Decades Old (human years)
I looked up at my parents with wonder. My mother lovingly kissed my father, and I squealed. Though I was two decades old in human years, I was only two years old in angel years. My mother smiled down at me with endearment, and kissed my forehead.

I was born into a perfect family who loved, and was loved in return.

6 Decades Old
I walked around in our gardens, hoping to see the boy who had shown up earlier that week again, when I was approached by my mystic trainer, Fira.

"Bird, you're late for your physical training again." He told me, and I laughed.

"Today's Sunday, silly. I don't have training today." I giggled, and he pressed his lips together.

"Well, you shouldn't be outside anyways. Demons have been lurking around the veil lately, and your parents don't want you getting hurt." I huffed, frustrated that I had to repeat what I had been telling him for the past month.

"I told you. Demons are just like us. They used to live among the veil too. Why would they hurt me if I'm just like them?" I questioned him, and he sighed.

"You aren't like them, Bird. You're different. How many times do I have to tell you this?" Fira asked.

"I'm no different, just like you're no different from them." I said.

Fira glanced behind me and started, "Bird-"

"We're all equal." I finished, before a strong, dark arm made of grey dust wrapped around my body, and a hand similar to the arm covered my mouth. I tensed, and started screaming.

"Bird, stay calm." Fira, who withdrew his rapier made of light, started lightly tiptoeing towards me and the shadow.

"I'm coming for you." I heard a dark voice echo from the shadow. Fira thrust his rapier through me, it having no effect on me, but making the shadow fall like the dust it was.

"Bird, let's go." Fira grabbed my arm, and dragged me towards the palace.

13 Decades Old
"Bird, I'll be right outside if you need me." Fira said, before he closed my bedroom door and locked it.

"No need to lock it..." The demons had been after me for years, and I was trapped in a very compact area of the palace. I had over heard that every where else was swarming with a bad man's demon soldiers.

I walked over to my bed and sat on it, while gazing at my balcony door with hope that one day this war would be over. I hoped that one day... Hell and the Veil would become one again.

"CRASH!!" I jumped, hearing a thump from my balcony. I carefully walked towards my balcony doors, and opened them cautiously.

"Oof!" I was pushed back into my room, and fell to the floor. I felt a weight on my body, but saw nothing.

"Fuck!" I heard, and I prepared to scream, but was stopped by an invisible hand. I watched as the invisible figure transitioned from what it was, to a boy covered in leather. He was looking straight into my eyes with his beautiful, crystal blue ones with terror and another unidentifiable emotion. He looked down to the floor, making his raven coloured hair fall in front of his face. "If I remove my hand, will you scream." I shook my head, and he lifted himself off of me. I examined him further, realizing he had angel and goddess blood all over his clothes. I inhaled sharply, and rushed away from him.

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