Chapter 8: I'm All Alone

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Meredith Grey POV

It's been maybe a week now, I don't know I've lost count.

After Kyle died I was actually able to get some sleep which was nice except the fact that I keep dreaming about the plane crash each night.

We have less than a half bottle of water left each which is bad. They better find us quick if they're ever gonna find us.

I'm startled awake from my pleasant plane dream and greeted by the bright sun and chirping birds. I rub my temples as I feel the migraine I've had for a couple days. Probably a very small brain bleed that's just progressing. Penny has been getting paler and she's complained of chest pains and shortness of breath which isn't good. She's also been running a little fever. She might be getting pneumonia or bronchitis which could lead to all sorts of crazy, lethal crap, but I'm mostly worried about a pneumothorax (collapsed lung).

I grab my water bottle taking a small sip trying to save as much as possible. After I set the bottle down my attention is turned to Penny as she starts coughing up blood. She opens her eyes and is gasping for breath. I run over to her feeling a strong wave of dizziness and nausea but I get to her and lay her down.

"Okay Penny you just need to try and calm down and breathe for me." I say loudly so she can hear me clearly.

"M-Mer... j-jus-st let m-me go so I-I can be with my h-husband and son." She struggles to get out.

"J-just do something t-to k-kill me f-faster cus this f-freakin hurts!" She shouts in pain. I nod and quickly get up to get a scalpel. As I'm searching for it in my bag I hear Penny get quiet.

"Penny?" I ask. I look over and she was limp and motionless. I get up slowly and walk over to her and shut her eyes letting a single tear out of one of mine. I had only known Penny for less than a week but it feels like we've been out here for years. I try to pick up her body but I'm too week so I drag it over to Kyle and Danny. Now I'm alone.

AN: Hey guys sorry it's short but I wanted to start the next part with a new chapter. Hope you like it and thanks for reading 😊💚💜

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