Chapter 9: Over, and Over again

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AN: Don't watch the video until I say so it goes along with a part in the chapter

The plane breaks into chaos as I hear crashes and gunshots. I yank out my phone and call Derek. It goes to voicemail and I leave one. "D-Derek there's two men on this plane who are heading towards the cockpit with guns. I don't know what's going to happen but I just wanted to say I-I love you and Zola so much." I say into the phone then I'm pretty sure I hear one of the guys breaking the door to the cockpit down. I hear more screams and yells then the plane starts to drop. "Shit!" I whisper yell out in surprise. I leave the phone on and slide it in my jacket pocket then zip it up hoping it doesn't break. I look over and see Penny and Danny cradling Kyle and I hold on to my seat. The plane jerks up and down making me sick. The plane speed up then abruptly comes to a stop and the world goes black.

My eyes burst open and I'm gasping for air. I sit up holding my head. I had the dream again, but this time it felt... more real I guess you could say. I take deep breaths and lean back closing my eyes to calm down.

After I'm calmed down, I stand up to look around the plane to waste time.

As I'm walking around I feel a sharp pain in my chest and wince but continue looking. I don't really look too thoroughly and I decide to walk over to where the guy with the gun was.

I find him, pick up his gun, and head back.

I sit down and pull the gun out. It would be so easy for me to just go bang and end it; end the pain. I hold the gun to my head, finger on the trigger, eyes closed and sit there for a minute. I bite my lip not knowing what to do. *watch video* I can't. I can't because of Derek. And Zola. I slowly take the gun away from my head and throw it as hard as I can against the plane making a loud noise causing the birds to flee. I break down crying, throwing my head in my arms.

The pain in my chest intensifies as I sob. I stop crying to cough a little and what comes up terrifies me. Blood. Thick, red blood. This ends my hysterical crazy fit and now I'm just sitting against the plane staring at the sky.

The plane breaks into chaos as I hear crashes and gunshots. I yank out my phone and call Derek. It goes to voicemail and I leave one. "D-Derek there's two men on this plane who are heading towards the cockpit with guns. I don't know what's going to happen but I just wanted to say I-I love you and Zola so much." I say into the phone then I'm pretty sure I hear one of the guys breaking the door to the cockpit down. I hear more screams and yells then the plane starts to drop. "Shit!" I whisper yell out in surprise. I leave the phone on and slide it in my jacket pocket then zip it up hoping it doesn't break. I look over and see Penny and Danny cradling Kyle and I hold on to my seat. The plane jerks up and down making me sick. The plane speed up then abruptly comes to a stop and the world goes black

I'm jolted awake and my heart is racing. I wish this dream would stop I really do.

It's pitch black out right now which is awesome. (note the sarcasm) I move myself so I'm laying on the freezing ground starting up at the stars. Its's full moon tonight. Cool I guess. I feel sleepy but so can't let myself go back to sleep again. I'll just have that dream again. Over, and over again.

AN: Hey guys this was sort of a filler chapter I guess kind of but anyways tomorrow I'm going to Cedar Point with my orchestra and I'll be there all day so I probably won't be posting tomorrow but I might be able to get the next chapter up tonight since it's already like half done. But yeah I'm super freakin excited. TacoMia03 , miaaaaa____ and official_faithh are three of my good friends that are coming so shoutout to them go follow them. 👌🏻 M'kay guys  thanks for reading hope you likey 😛💙

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