Chapter 12: She's Home, She's Here, She's safe

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Derek POV

I eventually went to my desk after they told me she was out of surgery to wait for a call to tell me when they were bringing her home. Dr. Webber took after chief for the day so so could make sure I don't miss the call. I lay my head down on my desk with my phone right next to me and I must have fallen asleep.

"Just taking a little nap Dr. Shepard?" I hear Bailey say and my head shoots up.

"Uh no, no I'm awake." I say groggily while I rub my face with my grands then run them through my hair.

"Mhm you are now. Have you heard anything yet?" She asks. I turn my phone on to make sure I didn't miss any calls.

"No." I reply. Then my phone rings and I don't hesitate to answer.

"Hello Dr. Shepard we're about to get Dr. Grey prepped for airlift and we'll get her to Seattle as soon as possible."

"Thank you." I sat into the phone smiling.

"See you in about 2 hours Dr. Shepard."

"Okay." I say and hang up. "What did they say?" Bailey asks me anxiously.

"They're getting her ready for air life and she'll be here in about 2 hours." I say with a big smile and Bailey smiles back.

Meredith Grey POV

I feel hands gently handling me and stapling me down to a bed. What's happening? I thought. I feel the bed start to roll and then a set of doors open and I hear the sound of a helicopter. After I'm in the helicopter, I slowly opened realize I'm tubed, and I start choosing on it.

"Calm down Dr. Grey just let me take the tube out." A woman's voice says as I feel the long tube slide out and I can breathe freely.

"Can you tell me your name?" The young looking women asks.

"Meredith Grey I work at Seattle Grace Mercy West and I was in a freaking plane crash." I respond, my throat dry.

"And can I have some water?" I ask.

"Yes right away." She says and hands me a cup with a straw.

"We're airlifting you to Seattle Grace now it's gonna take a little less than 2 hours."

"Okay. How long have I been asleep and what's wrong with me. And don't forget that I'm a doctor so actually tell me what's wrong." I ask the lady.

"Uh yes Dr. Grey. When we found you, you where unconscious and we brought you on then did immediate surgery on your brain and leg. We also put a chest tube in and cleaned and stitched your arm. And you've been recovering and then that brings us here." She says and I nod.

"Just try and get some more rest." She says again. I hear her but don't respond because I'm too wrapped up in my thoughts. I think about everyone back at the hospital. Derek, Zola, Cristina, Lexie, Bailey, Owen, Webber. Then I think about the crash. The two men, the one that shot me, Danny, Penny, Kyle, the cold, the hunger, the loneliness, the gun and how I almost shot myself and the phone that I used to get myself the he'll out of there. This eventually carries me to that dreadful dream.

Derek Shepard POV

Bailey, Cristina, Alex, Owen and I are outside at the launchpad waiting for the helicopter carrying my wife to land.

We see a helicopter near the hospital and it puts a smile on my face that I'll get to see her again.

The helicopter lands and the door opens. Two men jump out first and then I see a gurney come out. The two men grab hold of it and they carefully set it down with the help of two others still in the copter. They roll it towards us and then we take it and continue to roll it in. I look at Meredith and I'm so happy and thankful she's alive. Bailey looks up at me with a smile and I smile back.

We get her inside her room and hook her up to all the machines and tubes. Bailey grabs her chart and her face drops.

"What's wrong?" I ask worried. Bailey hands me the chart and a ball of anger forms inside me as I see what I'm reading. She had a brain bleed, a pneumothorax, a cut in the arm and thigh and then a gunshot in her thigh. The cuts were badly infected and the ones on her leg were stitched up as well as the gunshot. It didn't go through and through so Meredith must have taken it out herself without morphine. Good god.

"Who the hell shot her!?" I say angrily.

"Maybe one of the guys with the guns." Bailey responds.

"We'll just have to wait until she wakes up." Alex suggests. I nod and set her chart back down then sit in the chair next to her bed.

"Page me when she wakes up." Alex says

"Me too." Cristina adds

"I'll be in surgery for a while so don't page me unless she's coding." Says Bailey then she walks out taking one last look at Meredith. Alex and Cristina leaves right after her and Owen follows.

"Zola has been wanting to see you. I told her we went on a trip and I gave her to Callie and Arizona to look after her before we found you. I couldn't take care of her like I was. I thought of you too much and I was too distracted." I sit there silent for a moment.

"I love you so much Meredith." I say grabbing her hand and laying my head down on her careful not to move her tube. The hospital said they tried to take it out but there was more fluid filling her lungs so they had to put it back in. Hopefully it's nothing too severe.

All that matters is that she's home, she's here and safe.

AN: Hey guys so I have some interesting plans for this story but I'm gonna make a part two after I finish this. You're really gonna hate how I end this fanfic so I'm sorry in advance 😂 anyways thanks for reading! ☺️💚💚

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