Chapter 13: Something Always Goes Wrong

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Meredith Grey POV

I wake up from the plane crash dream breathing heavy, there's one overhead light in my room and then my bed and a door. I get up and walk out. I'm in the hospital. I see Derek, Lexie, Cristina, Owen, Bailey as well as other doctors and nurses. Bailey looks right at me almost as if she was looking through me. Everyone else seems like they don't see me.

"Hello? What's going on?" I ask but nobody responds or even as much as acknowledges me.

Then I feel that same sharp pain in my chest and I fall to the floor not being able to breathe. Maybe it's air or fluid filling my lungs? I struggle to get a breath and I'm starting to feel light headed. I try to scream but I can't then I see black.

Images of MRI's of somebody's lungs flash in my head. I try to concentrate on one right before the next pops up. I'm pretty sure the person who those lungs belong to has cancer.

Then I feel cold, firm hands grip me and yank me backwards and my vision blacks again.

"Mer? Meredith?" I hear Derek say to me. My eyes pop open and my breathing quicken.

"Shhh Mer calm down it's me Derek. You're safe now, you're okay." He says calmly.

"Wh-where... What?" I say confused.

"Do you remember what happened?" Derek asks me.

"Of course I do my brain will never let me forget it." I say thinking of the crash and Danny, Penny and Kyle then Derek looks at me with sympathetic eyes.

"Where's Zola?" I ask Denver her and feeling happiness.

"I'll page Cristina to bring her up." Derek tells me with a smile then graves his pager.



"It was terrible."

"I know. But your here now with me, Zola. Cristina, Alex, Lexie-"

"Lexie! Where is she?"

"She's around the hospital some where. I'll page her." Derek suggests and I nod. He gave his pager out again and pages my sister. After he's done doing that, he asks me a question.

"Do you want to see all about it?" He asks and I look down then back at him wanting to explain in full detail what happened. But without crying and that's hard.

"It's okay if you don't want to."

"Oh no I want to." I assure him and he nods. Just ten Lexie runs in.

"Meredith! Oh my god." She says and q. me in a hug, carful of my tube.

Later I mouth to Derek.

"I'm so glad you're okay." Lexie says pulling away.

"Yeah me too." I say. Then Cristina barges in with Zola.

"Zola!" I say happily holding my hands out. Cristina hands me Zola and she makes her adorable happy baby noises.

"How the heck do you do it?" Cristina asks with a smile.

"You survive a bomb, gunman, drowning and now a plane crash. I swear you're gonna end up in a record book for how many bad things you've survived.

"Well I guess I just have some luck in places to make up for other places without it." I say back smiling.

"Seriously though... are you okay? I mean I know your not okay but." Cristina rambles.

"Yeah I'm fine. Can I see my chart?" I ask and Cristina hands me my chart. Brain bleed, collapsed lung, infected leg and arm, dehydration, sleep deprivation, starvation... I just realized how hungry I am. I pull away from my thoughts and put my chart down.

"Were there any other survivors?" I ask hopeful there were.

"Yes 11 others about 2 miles from the crash site."

"Good." I say a little to sadly.

"What wrong?"

"Uh it's nothing. Um on the plane I met a couple with their sun and I had made friends with the wife, Penny and their son, Kyle before they uh died. Kyle was only 3."

"What about the husband?"

"Uh yeah his name was Danny. We switched seats on the plane so he could be best to his family and when I found the 3 of them after the crash, Danny was dead and he died from the impact. I didn't really know him. But Penny and Kyle were nice. I only knew Kyle for a couple days but Penny almost a week." I say

"What about your uh gunshot? Who... who shot you?" Derek asks.

"One of the hijackers. He said that she lost his parents and a kid and he wanted Zola and everyone else around to feel the pain of somebody close to them dying. After he shot me he shot himself... in the head though." I wish he just shot me in the head too I say to myself.

"I'm really looking forward to more counseling." I say sarcastically to try and lighten the mood.

"Uh yeah we'll get you startled with your counselor after you get discharged. Which should be in about in a couple weeks if everything goes right." Derek tells me.

"Ha I'll probably be stuck in here for a month given my luck." I say, but then I feel a pain in my chest.

"And dark and twisty Meredith is back." Cristina days jokingly and I give a little fake laugh as it's starting to get hard to breathe. I start to panic a bit and Derek must have seen the distress written across my face.

"You okay Mer?" Derek asks concerned.

"Uh yeah... my chest just hurts a little bit." I say and Derek bends down to check the bag that connects to my tube.

"Your lungs are filling with more fluid again." He says panicked.

"Cristina page for an MRI I need to get a machine hooked up to her tube."

"On it." Cristina replays and whips out her pager. Then it get increasingly hard to breathe. I gasp for breath while clutching at my chest after Cristina took Zola from my arms.

"Okay Mer it should get easier to breathe in a few seconds." Derek says just as I feel he pressure on my chest to away. I take big breaths of air as Derek unlocks my bed to take me down for an MRI.

"See, I told you something will always smog wrong with me." I say to Derek as I look up at him.

"Let's just get you that MRI." He says sadly and continues pushing me to the room.

He gets it turned on and set up then I get in. When I came out, Derek's face looked horrified.

AN: Sorry it took me so long to update so was trying to think of stuff. There will probably be only 1 or 2 more chapters left for this part. Anyways thanks for reading I hope you liked it 💜💚

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