Chapter 10: 8th Phone's a Charm

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It's been a week.

I'm sitting on a chunk of the plane just thinking about my life. I wonder what I'd be doing right now if I didn't get on that damn plane.

I'm going to go crazy if I sit here any longer, so I decide to get up and look around at the part of the plane where I woke up. Maybe I could find a phone or something to help me.

I use the plane to help me stand up, and I grab my stick and bag then start walking around.

I feel a sharper pain in my chest and I stop, dropping to the ground, my hand on my chest. It hurts so bad I'm squeezing my eyes and gritting my teeth. I lean over and cough up a little blood then the pain subsides.

"Shit." I mutter to myself. I might have an internal bleed somewhere. Not good. I stand back up wincing as I put too much weight in my bad leg. I put one foot in front of the other continuously until I reach the plane.

I look around in all the bags and search all the people. I get to a woman looking in her 50ms who has a coral pink shirt on and kaki capris. I reach in her left pocket and there's nothing. I reach in her right pocket and my hand brushes against something hard. I pull it out.

"Great another phone." I say to myself as I've already found like 7 phones that are broken. I hit the home button and it turns on.

"Oh my god." I say as tears well in my eyes.

Then the pain in my chest come back and it's bigger and better than ever.

Derek Shepard POV

It's been a week since Mer boarded that freaking plane.

Cristina has been silent and focused on work. I don't even know if she's even went home at all. She might just be sleeping in on call rooms.

I took a day off but I came back because it hurt to much to be at the house where everything reminds me of Meredith.

Lexie's been an emotional wreck. Alex has been worried and so has Bailey.

We make sure at least one of us is watching the news to make sure we don't miss any information.

I'm at my desk doing work when I get a call from this random number.

Meredith Grey POV

I turn the phone on thanks if my lucky stars it doesn't have a passcode, and I dial Derek's number gripping at my chest form the pain. It rings a couple times then he picks up.

"D-Derek." I struggle to get out.

"Meredith! Oh my god are you oaky!?" He says frantic.

"Yeah... I'm great I just need you to track the l-location on this phone." I grunt into the phone in pain.

"Okay." He says. I pull the phone away from me to cough up some blood. The pain's worse this time and I can't breathe. I drop the phone and lay on the ground struggling to catch my breath.

"Meredith!" I faintly hear Cristina say over the phone.

"Just find out where the hell I am." I barely get out.

"Okay Meredith just hang in there." Owen says.

"M'hm." I say then cough up blood. The pain subsides once again, and I reach for the phone.

Derek Shepard POV

I run out of the residents room and down the hallways of Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital.

"What's got you in a rush Shepard?" Bailey asks. I stop and look over to her.

"Meredith... she's on the phone and not doing good I have to get the phone she's using tracked I'll be back soon." I say then run out the door. I jump in my car and I hear rusted on the other line.

"Mer I'm on my way to the police station now okay." I say worried.

"O-okay." She answers weakly. I go a little over the speed limit to get to the police station quickly.

"Derek?" Meredith says after silence.

"Yeah Mer everything okay?"

"Uh the pain... is getting... really p-painful." She says and I can tell she struggled a lot to get that out.

"It's okay Mer I'm driving now."

"Okay." She says. I hope they can get her in time.

Meredith Grey POV

The pain won't stop. I think it's a pneumothorax. I just try to breathe and try to be calm while laying down in the grass. The pain gets too much and my vision goes black.

AN: Okay so I lied I'll be posting today cus I forgot I've got a 2 hour bus ride. I'll most likely be posting the next chapter this morning too. Thanks for reading! ❤️💕

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