Chapter 4 |~| My Squad

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You keep fighting, between the two of you, you had taken out almost half of the class. After each battle you retreat to the wall, your backs facing the wall and slowly making your way around the room taking out any group you see. As it gets closer to the end of class you look up at the balcony to see the group getting bigger. Everyone was getting out even Yoichi and Shinoa were out. Mitsuba and Kimizuki must have gotten them out. You count the student to see only two groups are left. You keep walking along the wall with Yuu leading the way. He stops and you turn around. He points behind him and we both kneel down to avoid any attack the pair try to throw at us. We see a training sword come into view and Yuu dives under it coming at the person from behind.
"Idiot." You mumble he had let his defence down. You jump in behind him just in time before someone could attack him. You hit the sword out of the persons hand and hit them causing them to be out. Yuu takes care to the person he's fighting and the both go to the balcony. You catch your breath only to hear someone shout. It's coming from behind you. It was Kimizuki. Mitsuba jumps over Kimizuki and attack Yuu from above.
"Damn we let our guard down" you stutter. You block Kimizuki's attacks only to be backed up. You hit your back on something. It's Yuu. You both stand back to back fighting the pair. They are really good. But they lack communication, their attacks are not coordinated at all. You take this to your advantage and also Yuu is familiar with their fighting styles. You look at Mitsuba she's fighting with a large blade, not at all close to her axe. Yuu fighting with his sword gives him the upper hand. Kimizuki has his duel blades as expected. You dodge his attacks getting a feel of his fighting style. He's slow and his attacks are powerful.
"Hahaha" You giggle. Kimizuki looks at you confused. You pick up your speed getting faster and faster, Kimizuki loses track of you and bluntly attacks.
"Shit." You mumble, you had stared to lose control of your speed, the speed from your fang side. You slow down and stand behind Kimizuki with your blade against his neck.
"Check mate" you shout. At the same time you had taken down Kimizuki, Yuu had taken down Mitsuba. You look at Yuu.
"Oh man, damn he hot" you think, almost out loud.
"Winners are Yuu and myself. Now everyone take a load off, free time for the rest of class!" You shout. Everyone stands up and scream
"Wahoooo" you hear someone scream. Everyone runs out of the training room to go have some fun.
"Hey guys, Shinoa, Yoichi do you guys want your weapons back?" You ask they all turn around to you with huge smiles on their faces, like you just gave them a puppy. You walk out of the training rooms and unlock the locker and hand everyone your weapons.
"Hey (f/n) do you want to come get some food with us?" Yoichi asks.
"Yeah sure if that's okay with you guys?" They all smile at you. You walk with them to the cafeteria. You all grab some food and sit down at a table, you sit across from Yuu. You look at him admiring his features.
"Hey really is hot" you mumble so quiet no one could hear. You snap out of your trance when Kimizuki yells at you.
"Huh, what sorry I zoned out for a while?" You apologise.
"We were just asking why you joined the army?" Asks Kimizuki. Everyone looks at you. You look down at your hands the back up at everyone.
"Ah, well I was living with my Gran near the outskirts of Tokyo when the apocalypse hit, I was left all alone. I was one of the only children in the area and I didn't know what to do. I walked I don't know for how long until I came across a group of kids. They were living in a makeshift hut. Well at least I thought they were living. It turns out that there was a group of Fangs on a rampage. I was about to run away, but that is when I was stopped by one of them. I was then taken to a small camp. I was there for maybe a couple of days. Those couple of days were absolute torture. Then the army ambushed the camp. That's when I met Guren and Shinya. I was then taken in by the army and Guren looked after me, training me and looking after me like well a dimwit of a father. He wasn't the best as you could guess, but I made do. He was always good at making me feel better, people would always get Guren when ever they see my in the dumps, they say that when I was little that I would only stop crying if it was him cheering me up. So yeah that's my story, it's probably like a lot of yours nothing special." You look down at your hands then back at them.
"You okay (f/n)?" Asks Yuu. You look at him confused.
"Why is he asking if I'm okay?" You wonder.
"You just look like your about to break." Says Yuu. You feel something fall down your cheek, it was a tear. You wipe the tear away and a smile grows on your face.
"I'm okay, I just not a fan of talking about the past, lots of things have happened in my life and I guess I break without even noticing. I know that sound kind of emotionless." You look at everyone, Yoichi hugs you like no tomorrow.
"Well, that's enough about me and the past, I want to get to know you guys. I only really know Yoichi and Shinoa and a little bit about uniform trasher over there." You point to Yuu. He just glares at you. The others looked confused. You explain that Yuu had been been giving the UR really trashed uniforms and that you had a go at him. They all laugh. Yuu tells them to shut up but you all just keep laughing. You all talk for a couple of hours getting to know everyone. You walk to your room after saying goodbye to everyone. You get changed and flop onto your bed. You pick up a old book and start to read it. After reading for a couple of hours you look up to see it's starting to get dark. You hear a knock on your door. You open it to see a messenger holding a letter out to you. You take the letter and nod your head allowing the messenger to move on. Opening the letter, you read it to yourself a loud.
"Squad Leader (f/n) (l/n), we regret to inform you that after your squad was under temporary control of another squad leader, due to direct orders of the Hiragi Family, they were all killed in action. . . ." You drop the letter in shock and fall to the ground in your doorway. You stare at the ground in shock.
"!" You scream. People run out of their dorms in panic. They run up to you and ask if your okay. One yells to get a medic. All of a sudden you see Yuu come into view. You look blank and pale, like your about to pass out.
"We don't need a medic just go get Guren. NOW!" Yuu shouts. He looks down at the letter on the ground. He reads it. He looks shocked. You look up at him frozen. You all of a sudden start to cry. You bury your face into your hand. You scream into your hands. You freeze once again. You stand up suddenly and punch the wall screaming. You punch the wall, again and again. Until you make your knuckles bleed. You stop and look down at your hands. You start to fall backwards, slowly losing consciousness. You pass out but no long before you hear Guren's voice shouting to Yuu to help him carry you to the infirmary. You feel yourself being picked up and carried somewhere. You black out again only to feel not long later someone wrapping something around your chest, hands and ankles. Like your being tied down. You fade into the black once again.
You wake up, it's feels like days since you've last been awake but really it was only a couple of hours. You wait till your eyes are no longer fuzzy and you try to sit up. But fail. You look down to see you are strapped to the bed. You look around the room confused. You look to your left to see Guren asleep on a chair next to where you are laying. Looking around the room you realise your are in the infirmary. You notice another figure sitting next to Guren. Its Yuu. You move trying to get the two men's attention but it doesn't work. Your try again shacking the bed to try and see if they will wake up. You try again and again and wait, nope. They don't wake up.
"WAKE UP!" You shout. The two men wake up in shock. Guren almost falls off his chair again.
"Shit for a sad person you sure are fucking loud." Says Guren as he rubs his eye.
"Your awake!" Says Yuu happily. Yuu goes to untie your hand but Guren stops him by placing a arm in front of Yuu.
"(F/n) are you in control?" Asks Guren. You nod your head in reply. Guren moves his hand and Yuu unbuckled the straps holding your hands and body to the bed. You sit up and unbuckle you ankles. Yuu stares at you in concern.
"What?" You ask confused.
"What you don't . . ." Guren interrupts Yuu.
"You blacked out again, there is another hole in the wall. (F/n) do you remember why you did?" Guren asks concerned.
"Yeah, my squad is dead and I wasn't even notified that they were even going on a mission, stupid Hiragi Family, just think that we are all pawns. Those assholes!" You spit out.
"(F/n), cheer up, you can kick their asses one day but only when we free ourselves from the fangs, free you. Also I've got some good news for you, you might not take it that way but whatever. You have been transferred to a new squad. One of them in right here." Guren looks at Yuu.
"You have been placed in Shinoa's squad." Says Guren.
"But . . . Squads are meant to only have 5 members, any more or any less and it's hell." You state.
"The higher ups gave you this order directly through me so you can't refuse. They want you to be in their squad cause you have a taste for the battle field and they want a team that consist of some of the most skilled teens with the strongest weapons. And I don't think anyone would want to go up again the Black Demon Series, let alone your weapons." Says Guren as he sits upright on his chair.
"(F/n)'s weapons?" Ask Yuu.
"(F/n) posses some of the most powerful weapons, you've seen her sword right? Well it is ranked the second highest in all ranking of weapons for a one man weapon. You really did craft that pieces of shitty metal well." Says Guren with a smile on his face. Yuu's face drops, he is so surprised. You look at Yuu with dusted pink checks. You get embarrassed easily when Guren is gloating about your weapon.
"Well Yuu, go back to your dorm get some rest" says Guren and he kicks Yuu out of the infirmary. Guren sits back in his chair and leans forward putting his elbows on his knees.
"You sure your okay?" Asks Guren.
"Yeah, just lost control." You reply.
"Okay get some rest I'll come by in the morning before I head out again and give you a ration." Says Guren as he places a hand on your head and messes up your hair.
"Okay bye. . . . Dad." You mumble the last little bit as Guren leaves the room. You really wish you could tell him. Tell Guren that he is you father.

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