A/n ~2~

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Hey everyone Raitā here.
Finally another chapter. As I stated in my last A/N I had huge writers block and thanks to Moontear9870   that problem is solved. I would really love to give my huge thanks to them for helping me with this story. I have all my huge events planned out but I didn't know what to happen in between. But Moontear9870 answered my call for help they gave me some great ideas that I will be definitely be using in this story. ( If you want to check out what they wrote, look back in the comments in my last a/n. Unless you don't want to see any possible spoilers.) But I am so great full for all of their help.

( ps everyone time that an event that Moontear9870 wrote I will at the bottom of the chapter write credit to ....)

Thank you so much for your help Moontear9870

Thank you also everyone for reading.


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