Chapter 8 |~| Bonding

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The next day you meet everyone at the training rooms after having a quick breakfast. And by breakfast we mean you missed it cause you slept in and you had to have one of your rations. Meeting everyone in the training rooms you see everyone looking concerned as you walk up to them.
"Hey guys what's up?" You ask cheerfully.
"Oh nothing (f/n), don't worry about it." Says Shinoa.
"Okay then so what training are we doing today?" You ask. Pumped and ready to go.
"How about we do some combat training like go out into the field and train using our weapons." Say Mitsuba.
"Yeah sure that's a great idea." Says Yoichi. Everyone agreeing they gather there things and get clearance to go out into the field to train.
Walking roughly 5 minutes you find a safe spot to train. Somewhere where the Horseman of John won't find you and same with the fangs.
"Who up first, we will fight in pairs while the rest will observe their fighting style and keep watch out." Asks Shinoa.
"How about (f/n) and Yuu, we have seen them fight together but not against each other." Says Mitsuba.
"Yeah that's a great idea." Shouts Yoichi. Looking at Yuu, you drop your cape and stand in the centre of the secured area.
"Hey (f/n), should you be fighting, remember your injuries from yesterday?" Ask Kimizuki.
"Yeah I'm fine." You shout.
"They were gone this morning." You scald yourself at what you just spoke.
"Wait your already healed!" Shouts Kimizuki.
"Ahh ha ha.. yeah, well um you know how my demon is trying heals itself, well because I'm it's master umm it heals me to..." You stutter.
"Woooh good save (f/n)." You think with relief. Everyone nods. Their confusion cleared. You look over to Yuu his forehead scrunched.
".....but what about that's tube with red.....ahh don't worry about it........none of my business." You hear Yuu mumble.
"SSSSHHHHIIIITTTTTTTT!" You scream internally. Keeping a simple look on your face you wonder about what Yuu said. Had he looked through your room the other days when he carried you to bed.
"Ahem!" Shinoa brings your thoughts back to the moment.
"Let's get on with the fight." Shouts Mitsuba. Drawing your sword, Yuu makes his way to position.
"Okay you guys know the rules, fair fight, first one to be disarmed or knocked to the ground wins." Shouts Kimizuki. Yuu draws his sword.
"Also no talking to Asuramaru." Says Yuu.
"Okay." You smirk back. The two of you get into position. Standing still you wait for the hot head to attack first, but he doesn't.
"Your either pretty patient or really cocky to wait me out." You smile at Yuu. After 2 minutes of circling each other, Yuu finally breaks and attacks you. Swinging his sword down toward you. You with one hand block Yuu's attack with your sword. You knock his sword back. You start to circle again. He runs up to you his sword trailing swing upward toward your face. Dodging, by ducking you swing your sword at his legs. He jumps up in time. You both regain your composure. You both run at each other swinging and dodging attacks. The fight goes for a couple of minutes. You kick Yuu to the ground, you swing your sword at him, he puts his sword up in a block. Due to you being so into the battle you start to lose control, you push your blade against his and you head a faint cracking sound. You lift up your sword and get off Yuu.
"We need to stop. Asuramaru is breaking, Artemis is to strong for her to handle. She is trying to get her soul back together strongly at the moment because I left her blades back at the dorms. She is to far away from the rest of her soul to be able to control her properly." You says as you places Artemis back in her sheath.
"(F/n) your nose is bleeding." Says Yuu. You put your finger near your nose and swipe away the blood.
"I need to get Artemis back to HQ, I'm restraining her now and Yuu, I think Asuramaru need a repairs. She has a chip in her blade." You point out to Yuu. Yuu looks down are Asuramaru and notices a small chip in the blade. He places her carefully back in her sheath.
"Okay since this area is pretty clear and we aren't that far away from the dorms and HQ, (f/n) and Yuu will go back and repair their gear and deal with Artemis. While we stay here and continue training." Orders Shinoa. You walk over and pick up your cape, so does Yuu. The two of you walk back to the dorms and leave Artemis with the rest of her in your room. You open your cupboard and place Artemis in amongst the rest of your weapons.
"Hey Yuu I quickly got to do something." You quickly walk into the bathroom with something in your hand. Yuu looks at the bathroom door as it closes. He turns his attention to your cupboard.
You quickly skull down the vile of red liquid in the confines of your bathroom. Trying to stop Artemis from losing control and yourself while training, drained you from the ration you had this morning. You open the door and hide the tube up your sleeve, you open the cupboard door and place the tube in the small brown box. Closing the door you notice Yuu looking at you.
"What?" You ask questionably.
"Umm nothing." Yuu blushes.
"Okay let's take Asuramaru to the forgery, she is going to needed repairing before she finds a way to get out of the blade." You look at Yuu.
"He's cute when he blushes." You mumble in your thoughts. Walking out of your room and closing the doors behind you, the two of you make your way down to the forgery.
"Hey Head!" You shout at the Head weapons master.
"Hey (f/n). What you doing here, didn't expect to see you till the end of the week." Ask the Head.
"Yeah, Yuu here need his blade fixed, Artemis put a crack in it today." You reply
"Okay, well I'm heading out in a few, so be careful when I'm gone, I'm in the mood for my super sandwich." Grins the tall man
"Okay have fun." You wave as the man makes his way outs of the forgery.
"Okay let's get this party started." Clapping your hands together and rubbing them. Taking Asuramaru out of her sheath you take her over to the metal stocks. Yuu looking at you confused as you go through a huge pile of metal trying to find the right one. Finding a small, flat, black pieces you walk over to the fire. Yuu standing next to you watches as you places Asuramaru's blade in the furnace. Grabbing a long pair of tongs. You pick up the piece of metal with the tongs, lock them and then places them in the furnace. Waiting a couple of minutes you take Asuramaru out.
"Hey Yuu bring me that bucket." Yuu turns around a drag over a thin, deep bucket full to the brim on water. Placing Asuramaru on the stone table you look at the damage cause. It was just a small crack at the centre of the blade. Pulling the tongs out, placing the hot piece of metal in the table. Sliding your hand under the table you search for two pairs of smaller tongs. Bending down and looking under he bench you only find one pair.
"Shit someone has been using my bench again, Hey Yuu can you have a look over on another bench and see if you can find another pair of these." Asking Yuu as you hold up the pair of small tongs. Yuu walks over to the nearest bench and look for the tongs. Finding them almost instantly he walks back over to you. Handing you the tongs you pick up the pieces of small metal with the pair you found earlier. With the pair that Yuu had just given you you grab the other end of the metal and start to bending it and move it, to make it flexible.
"Yuu that vice just on the end of the table can you open it and put Asuramaru in it the chipped edge facing up." Yuu does as you say. Placing Asuramaru in the vice, you trail behind him still bending the metal. Yuu moves out of the way as you get closer to the vice. Standing to the side he observes as you skilfully fold the metal over the crack. Releasing Asuramaru from the vice you walk over to the bucket of water and dunk her in. Steam rising from the water. Pulling her out you place her back in the furnace.
"Why did you put her back into the fire?" Asks Yuu.
"Well since I placed the metal over the crack the metal hasn't bonded with that of Asuramaru, so we cool her down so that both metal are at the same temperature and then head her up again at the same temperature. The metal then melt and fills in the crack." Pulling out Asuramaru and grabbing a hammer you head back over to the table.
"Now all we have to do it hammer the metal. We just make it the same shape as Asuramaru then grind it down." Yuu looks at you astonish. You begin hammering and get the metal all ready for grinding. Turning the stone on you hand Yuu, Asuramaru.
"Here have a try, don't worry you can't stuff up this early when grinding." You say to a concerned Yuu. Sitting down on the stool he takes the sword from your grasp. Placing the blade against the stone he begins to grind it down. After a couple of minutes he hands her back over to you to finish the job. Taking Yuu's place you finish off grinding the blade. Getting it all level and making it sharp once again.
"Okay now for the finally touch, you see how the metal we put on it black and the blade is green?" You ask Yuu. Yuu nods his head.
"Call on Asuramaru." You state. You grabs his sword and summons Asuramaru. Looking down at the blade he sees the metal turn from black to green. Yuu looks at it shocked.
"There you go all done." You smile at Yuu.

Credit to Moontear9870

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