Chapter 12 |~| Fallen for

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Waking up you find yourself in the small cut out you had only found the day before. Having fallen asleep after cry for so long. Getting up, your joins all stiff, you crawl back out from the small room. Breathing in the fresh morning dew, you start to walk. After a long night of thinking and screaming at yourself you had finally come to the conclusion, you had to tell him, you had to tell Yuu that you had fallen for him. And Kimizuki could shove it up his ass. Walking slowly still fighting with yourself, should you tell him or should you not. Screaming you let go of all your anxiety. Power surging through your body, you start to run, slowly gaining speed as you move. Move closer to the one person you wish to see the most. Yuu.

You run, your legs giving way slamming you head in the ground. Blood running down you face, staining yours skin. Getting up with a stumble in your step you continue running, ignoring the throbbing in your head. A hoard of students standing in your way, pushing and screaming for them to move out of your path. Shoving a boy out of the way, you trip over another girl's ankle. Crashing to the ground again you land on your right shoulder, dislocating it. Continuing to fall to the ground, you collide your face with the ground, breaking your nose. Getting up, popping your shoulder back into place and your nose crackling as it repairs itself. Students turning around with eyes of confusion when they hear the sound of cracking.
"Hey are you okay?" A concerned female asks. Smacking the girl's hand away as it comes towards you.
"Get out of my fucking way I need to get to Lieutenant Guren and my squad!" You scream at the female, flashing your eyes red. She moves out of your way, scared.

Your legs growing sore as you see the dorms come into view. You become relieved to see a boy with black hair stand in the yard. Running closer to the boy, his features coming into view. His black messy hair, his button nose and his forest green eyes. Running closer and closer to him, until, engulfing him in a hug.
"(Y/n). Where have you been?" Yuu returns the hug. Burring his face in the crook of your neck. Grasping his jacket you cry into his chest. Your legs giving way for one final time that day. Knowing that you were being held tight by the man that you had some how fallen for. Taking one final conscious breath as you fall into a sweet slumber, a smile lingering on your face as you hear Yuu shout for help.

Waking up, your back laying on a soft surface, the sheets reflecting the light that peps through the curtain covered windows. Rubbing your eyes, your hand grazes over a small bandage presenting itself on your head. Sitting up you are engulfed in a hug. The person draws away from you revealing the face of Yuu.
"(F/n) where have you been, why did you run away!?" Ask Yuu with concern and worry in his tone.
"I um?" You stutter
"What was it because Kimizuki and I were fighting, cause he said those things, and what after what you said to him couldn't you find any other words to express the hatred you had for me ha!? Yuu raises his voice.
"NO! I only ran away because I couldn't lie about my feelings. I couldn't say horrible things about you like I did to Kimizuki, because Yuu there is nothing horrible I can say about you. How can I lie about the fact the I have fallen for you!" Yuu slouches back in his chair, surprised and confuse.
"What . . . ." Yuu eyes widen with shock.
"Yuu, I um" You sit in your bed confused. You had just screamed at him that you had fallen for him and you are so confused on what he is going to say next, with he return the feeling or will he reject you. Without speaking any words Yuu grabs the collar of you white under shirt and pulls you towards him. Falling closer to him you couldn't have known what was to come next. But what did was soft and warm. It was Yuu's lips, soft and sweet like a sunset. Shocked at first you then return the favour, kissing him back. Yuu draws back and stands up, the two of you having red painting all over your faces. Yuh leaves the room, leaving you confused but yet warm inside. Returning into your upright position on the bed you brush your hand across your lips, savouring the soft feeling that was just upon them.
"Why are you red?" Guren's presence suddenly become known beside you.
"Um, nothing." You murmur back. Guren sits on the edge of your bed.
"You okay?" Guren asks his eyes staring at the floor between his feet.
"Yeah I'm fine I just, couldn't cope."
"Figures you left Artemis behind." You look at Guren confused. He looks up and smiled softly at you.
"What you wouldn't think that I would notice, every time you are mad, angry or confused and couldn't find a way to solve the situation you would always stab your weapon into the ground, you did it when you were little a lot, especially when you were training and when you didn't know how to figure out how to beat Nito in a fight." Guren pats you on the head.
"I know you didn't know how to respond to the situation yesterday, knowing you, you would do something rash, that's why after you jumped out that window I didn't try to stop you. I knew you needed to clear your head and think back on the situation." Guren eyes soften as tears stream down your face.
"Thanks pops." You lean towards Guren and hug him, wrapping your arms around him. He then wraps and arms around you and the other rests on your shoulder as his hands pats you on the head.

Making your way back to your room with Guren by your side. He hands you a vile and a note. Leaving you to return to your life after rubbing you on the head, messing up your hair and smiling at you. Entering your room you pop the lid on the vile and drink its contents, throwing it in the box in the closet. Sitting down on your bed you open the note that you still clutch in your hand. Unfolding it you skim over the note, reading its contents. As of two days from now you are to be going on the large scale mission Guren has been informing you about for the past month or so. The mission that it to take back land from the vampires and advance in this war. Placing the note down on the table you stretch your stiff joints. Walking over to your mirror and inspecting your body for any injuries that may have not healed properly. Noticing none you look up at the small, square, white bandage on your forehead lifting it up slightly you see there is no longer any head injury, you place the bandage back down knowing that you had to keep that facade up that you had injured your head. You were very much thankful that your body healed fast due to being a vampire, but you very much dislike many of the other factors that came with it. Finding Artemis leaning against the side wall you smile, Guren must have put her there. You pick her up and feel her connect with you once again.
"Hey (f/n) where have you been, you know I don't like just being left in the middle of the courtyard." Artemis complains.
"Why are you asking anyway Artemis you know you can connect with me and look through me feeling and memories to know why I did what I did." You reply to her.
"Haha I know I was just wanting to hear you admit it. That you the vampire on the humans side of the war had actually fallen in love with someone."
"Well ha ha, I have already admitted it once today I don't need to do it again." You smirk. You clip Artemis to the holster on your belt and walk out of your room.

Walking around you try to find that crazy squad of yours. Walking everywhere you finally find them in the area in which you should have looked first. The cafeteria. Entering he huge hall, the smell of food entering you nose you search for your squad. The search didn't last very long because with in two seconds of entering the room, your squad found you. Yoichi wrapping you in a tight hug, along with Shinoa and Mitsuba. Yuu smiling at you and Kimizuki looking at you ashamed. Everyone letting go of you, Kimizuki makes eye contact with you. He steps towards you and stands strong.
"(F/n) I wish to apologise, my behaviour was way out of line yesterday and I didn't wish to upset you." Kimizuki speaks sincerely and bows.
"I accept your apology Kimizuki, but I wish to let you know something. I may not wish to be your partner in life, but trust me someone out there is waiting for you to show up in their life. You may know them, you may not, but you will, one day. It could be today, tomorrow, any day this month or year but, you will find them and you will have the adventure and enjoyment of falling in love with them. So keep your hopes up everyone is looking for someone and you will find yours." You smile at Kimizuki placing a caring hand on his shoulder. Everyone smiles at your words. You start to walk your squads eyes trailing you. Walking past Kimizuki you stop and stand next to Yuu, punching him in his arm.
"Hey What was that for!?" You questions.
"Haha, I think you know why." You smirk at Yuu. Blush tinting his cheeks.
"Also guys one last thing before we get something to eat, but have you all been debriefed on the mission in two days?" Everyone nods their heads.
"Okay good, cause I think it's time to kick some vampire ass." You shout fist bumping Yuu. The two of you smirk at each other. The two of you can finally kill some vampires and you can do it together.

Credit to Moontear9870

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