Chapter 11 |~| Pain

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After the incident yesterday with Shinya telling your whole squad that Guren is your father and Norito trying to touch you, you awkwardly have breakfast with your squad. None of the mentioning anything, other than the fact that they got to see you go all jelly. After a very long and slow breakfast you finally get to go and do some training. On the way you get cut of from the rest of the group, leaving you alone with Yuu.
"Hey (F/n), I hope you are okay after yesterday and all?" Yuu rubs the back of his neck, as he kindly questions you.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I was going to eventually tell you guys, but I guess Shinya beat me to it." You laugh awkwardly.
"Yeah, haha." Yuu laughs.
"I don't want to make you uncomfortable but why didn't you tell us?" Yuu asks cautiously.
"I just that I umm." You stutter. "Do i tell him? No wait." Thinking whether to tell Yuu or not you remember something. "Yuu despises vampires, they were the creatures that took his family away from him. If I tell him he might hate me, or even kill me." Yuu looking down at you, he looks at you with concern.
"It's okay you don't have to tell me." Continuing to walk, you grasp onto the side of Yuu's sleeve. Yuu dosen't do anything. He lets you hold onto him, realising that he asked a to personal question. You continue to hold onto his sleeve, scared that if you let go, something might happen to you. Finally you make your way into the training room. Your squad looking at you both. Letting go of Yuu's sleeve the two of you walk up to the rest of your squad.
"Hey guys, (F/n), you okay?" Yoichi goes up to you.
"Yeah, I'm fine, just still a bit jelly from last night." You reply with a smile. Having just a normal day of training every now and then Guren or Shinya would come up to you and check to make sure you are okay. Your team snickering every time Guren came up to you and gave a you a kiss on the head. Thank god your team was the only ones training or you would have died from embarrassment again.

"I'm so tired." Yuu complains as you and your squad leaves the training rooms.
"Well if you didn't keep trying to see if you could beat (F/n) in a race. Then maybe you wouldn't be so tired." Kimizuki complains.
"(F/n) didn't even break a sweat even after the third race." Says Yoichi.
"(F/n)'s abilities scare the crap out of me, explains a lot with her being Guren's daughter. I bet that if she didn't go all jelly the other day I would think that she has no ability to get embarrassed. And I would think she was a robot." Smirks Kimizuki.
"Blah blah blah, you guys are in very complaining moods today, what about you two ha? I thought you would be at each other's throats because you both knocked each other in the head while training." Turning your head, looking at Shinoa and Mitsuba.
"Nah, something happened to make us forget that." Smirks Shinoa. Looking confused you hang back from walking with the boys and fall back to walk with the girls.
"What?" You ask as they both look at you with a smirk. Thinking back on what happened in training you try to think about what they are smirking at. While training you had picked up Yuu and thrown him onto the dummy so he could attack it from behind.
"It can't be that, I've done that before and they didn't care. Wait." Thinking you finally realise they are smirking at when you had fallen over, taking Yuu with you. Him landing on top of you. The two of you blushing, you had slowly pushing him off you and got up. Looking at the girls, you look at them with a resting bitch face. Hitting the two of them in the head. After dinner and lots of talking, you all go to bed. Just like you normal every day routine

Waking up the next day, feeling a weight upon your figure. Rubbing your eyes you manage to distinguish who the person or people on top of you are. Its Mitsuba and Shinoa. Rolling you head you look at the clock on your bedside table. It's 12:38.
"It's the middle of the day, why didn't anyone come wake me up." You think.
"What are you guys doing in here. And Shinoa why the fuck do I feel like I'm being molested by you sitting on my lap." Shinoa sweet drops as you glare at her.
"Whatever, (F/n) hurry up get dressed, it's an emergency!" Shouts Mitsuba. The two of them get off you quickly, not caring that the two were in the room you get changed into your uniform. Grabbing Artemis the three of you run out of your room, slamming the door behind you. Making your way to the school yard. Everyone (but you) had general school today. Following the two girls you notice a huge swarm of people crowding around in a huge circle. Hearing shouting and cheering. Pushing through the people.
"Get out of my fucking way, I'm a member of the Imperial Demon Army, let my through you shit heads!" You demand. The rest of the crowd moves out of your way. Making your way to the centre of the crowd you see two boys fighting. One being thrown to the groun. It's Yuu. The other is Kimizuki.
Trying to dissipate the crowed you notice the two boy draw their weapons. They hadn't noticed you at all. After several attempts to get the crowed to go away you notice Guren standing amongst them.
"What are you doing paps?" You ask Guren as you place a hand on you hip.
"Enjoying the fight, looks like the girls got you out of bed. I need you to get these two to stop fighting, they wont listen to anyone."
"Why me?" You ask.
"You this might be hard for you to believe but those two seem to be fighting over you." Guren smirks.
"What!" Storing the news that you heard away in your mind you step in and try to end the boys fighting.
"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TWO DOING?" You shouts. Yuu turns and faces you, not noticing Kimizuki coming at him swinging his sword towards Yuu.
Standing in between the boys you hold your ground blocking Kimizuki's sword with your sword.
"Get out of the way (F/n)!" Growls Kimizuki. Kimizuki swinging his other sword to try and get you to move, he knew that if he did this you would move but. Instead you grab his sword with your hand. Your hand bleeding, running down the blade.
"STOP NOW!" You scream at kimizuki as he stands in shock. Glaring at him your eyes bright, crimson red. Kimizuki withdraws his blades.
"BOTH OF YOU!" You turn and glare at Yuu. Both boys step away from you.
"NOW! Both of you stop this fighting!" You scream at the boy unconsciously baring you fangs as you talk, your eyes still baring the colour red.
"Stop this fighting now I don't give a fuck, why the two of you are fighting, quite frankly I think I have a pretty good idea why. Now why the fuck would I go out with a guy like you Kimizuki, you pick fights as much as you can and you can be an A grade ass." Glaring at Kimizuki.
"And Yuu." Not being able to put words together you glare at Yuu. Eyes barring into him. Walking past him and head towards Guren. Everyone clearing the way to allow you to pass. Stopping just next to Guren you hold artemis, your blade behind you rather then in front. Lifting your arm up you pierce the tip of Artemis' into the ground. Walking away leaving her there, leaving everyone in shock.

Walking away, making your way towards your room. Standing in the hallway outside your room, you hear faint footsteps trailing behind you. Turning around, barring your eyes into your stalker. Into Guren. Guren moves closer to you, holding Artemis in his hand. Walking towards the window you open it allowing the cool breeze to brush against your face.
"No (F/n) don't!" It was to late, you had already jumped out the window. Landing on the ground, creating a huge creator mark in the pavement.
"(F/N)!" Screams Guren. Looking back up at him. He goes to follow you out the window but it unsuccessful. Throwing knives at him stopping him from exiting through the window. Dropping all your holster carrying all your weapons. Running away from him. Running away from your squad. Away from your family, with no idea where to go next. You just keep running. Making it all the way to the wall, sweat cascading down your face, your breathing heavy and ragged. You stop looking up at the wall, at its many hidden levels, at the men walking in and out of the doors. Staring back at eye level you see a small cut out. Walking over to the cut out, you see it is a small entrance to a small deserted room. Crawling in you look around the small empty space. Walking over to the corner you sit down.
"What the fuck have I done, split up a fight between my team mates, left my dad after threatening to hurt him, and left all my weapons behind." Bring one hand to your head you pull the the roots of your hair in frustration. Tears then start to escape your eyes, like a water fall flowing out of you.
"How could, how the fuck could I admit to him the I have fallen for him, how the fuck could I have told you? Yuu."

Credit to  Moontear9870

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