Addressing some issues

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Hey everyone,

Wow has it been a long time since i wrote this story! How we all doing? Well i hope given the crisis of 2020.

So there are some things i would like to address about this story that i should have made originally

1. The readers mother
At the time of me writing this story i felt that one adding a mother character would make the story cluttered. I felt no need to introduce a character that would be mindlessly pointless to keep track of due to them have no actual character importance or value to the story. So i just never made one. I kept it anonymous and up for the reader to decide their fate.

2. The age gap
Yes i am aware of Guren's age. Him being 24 makes it biologically inappropriate for him to have a child at such a young age. So like many things in this book i simply left it out. I left it up to the reader to decipher that this book is a work of fiction. I understand there is already a established character. But as a fanfic writer you get to bend the rules of the story's reality. So Guren's age in this book is set so that it is more fitting for him to have a child. So you as the reader get to decide and determine that age.

3. Asuramaru
I am highly aware that Asuramaru is male. Was i aware of it when i wrote this story? Technically yes but not until i had made it a few chapters in. Having not known that the character was in fact a male it lead me to first write and develop the take of the character for my story as female. It was not until later i realised my mistake. But with the themes for the way of the characters portrayal in my book I decided to keep them as female. It is rather no difference then a genderbent fanfic. The character use in the story is for banter between the reader and as a guide to Yuu so with that in mind i just kept it the same. I just felt no need to change it cause at the time like i said i did not know there true gender. Am i going to change it? No. Why? Cause this is a established piece of work made in the context of the time.

4. Mika taking 8 months
I know lots of your are commenting why it took Mika so long to get the reader out. Well one issue was plot. I wanted to lengthen the readers age so that when they were reunited with Yuu it made them older and more mature, make then ending of the story more appropriate. Second issue is I wanted to take in my own perspective of their reality. In all types of media, events seem to happen so quickly. In that case the story will be over in days. But in this reality of the book they are taking into account that Mika a character always heavily followed but Ferid and Krul, has to find time to safely sneak away and attend to the reader and their escape. If they were to rush they would be caught and the ending of the story would be rushed as well. Mika also need to attend to himself and keep up appearances. This including him seeing Krul for his needs and being a fellow solider. To make it gave then a realistic time to also establish the workings of the prison she was kept in and any patterns in guard schedules and daily workings. Yes it seems like a long time but for the plot of the story i felt it appropriate.

Thank you all so much for reading my work. Please feel free to check out some of my other stories. Yeah some of them have odd cross-overs but that just what i write. Something odd and unique.

Also thank you for taking your time to read this and understand where i am coming from. All these are thoughts that i had while and post reading this story. I didn't want to use my ignorance as an excuse but give you all justifiable answers to your questions and comments.

Once again thank you so much for reading my work

Raita out!!

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