Chapter 1 |~| Uniform Trasher

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"For fuck sake, who the heck keeps handing in all these trashed uniforms, these are the worse post battle uniforms I have ever seen. If I ever find out who owns them then there going to get a ear full." You growl while sitting in the sewing / uniform repair station of the Imperial Demon Army.
"Got the trashed uniforms again didn't you?" Asks one of the other seamstresses.
"Yeah, I don't even know how this person manages to get these uniform so trashed, a couple of weeks ago I got one where half of the left side of the uniform was missing. Like who the heck does that work, how are they not dead, there heart would have been cut in half by the indication of the uniform. But at least the pants tend to be better then the shirts. But for God sake how the heck does this person end up with uniforms like this Guren's don't even come back this bad,"
"Hey (y/n) you done whining cause we have a new batch of uniforms coming in soon for repairs." Ask the other seamstress.
"Yeah okay." You grab the black and green uniforms and start to repair and replace any part you can. You were a very good seamstress some of the uniforms that people would throw out cause they were un-repairable but you would fix within a couple of hours. You weren't just a highly respected seamstress but also a greatly admired weapons master, you helped make some of the most powerful weapons. You even helped with some of the Black Demon Series weapons. You were a bit worried when you found out three teens the same age as you could control and wield those weapons.
"HEY (Y/N) CHAN!!!" Shouts a boy from the entrance if the uniform repair station. It's Yoichi.
"WOW so this is where your stationed. I've never been in the uniform repair station."
"Hey Yoichi you know we just call it the UR station it easier to say. Also this isn't where I'm stationed I actually have a squad that I'm the leader of, plus also I'm one of the heads for weapons building."
"COOL (Y/N) I didn't know that you have a squad, and your a weapons master that amazing!" Says Yoichi his face lighting up.
"So how have you been Yoichi?" You ask
"Okay, I just came in to get my team mates uniforms, sorry for the state that one of them came in a while back." Says Yoichi sadly
"Wait your on the same squad as uniform trasher?" You ask surprised.
"Uniform trasher? Oh wait you must mean Yuu chan. Yeah he gets a bit cocky on the battle field and goes a little over board." Says Yoichi
"A little? Well next time you guys need to pick up your uniforms send what's his name down here, he's going to get a earful from me." You say sternly
"Okay I will make sure, bye (y/n)."
"Bye Yoichi."

After a week of hard work making and repairing uniforms and weapons you get another uniform repair shipment.
"Okay lets see who's in here today" you rummage through the boxes of uniforms figuring out who's uniform to start with according to the missions times.
"Okay Gruen need his done by tomorrow I'll start with his, god sake Gruen what did you do to your uniform this time?" You look at Gruen's uniform the right sleeve was about to come off, there was one thread holding it to the shoulder. You power through all the uniform in the first three boxes. You come to the forth and final box to see a note on top of it.
"Have fun with the uniform, sorry for the state of uniform trasher's. Yoichi." Reads the note. You open the box to see all the squads uniforms in need to a good wash and a bit of a fix up. But then you get to the bottoms of the box. You see a uniform that really has seen better days. You pick it up. One of the sleeves falls off. The centre chest panel slides off and the pants have one leg missing.
You storm out of the UR room pissed as hell. You head to the dorms where all the squads are stationed and bang on Yoichi's door.
"Yoichi you in there?" You ask angrily.
"Coming." Yoichi says quietly. He opens the door and pops his head out.
"Oh hey (y/n) what's wrong you look angry?" Yoichi asks politely
"Yeah I am, I need to find uniform trasher, do you know where he is?" You asks a but nicer due to you still being super pissed, but you could be mean to Yoichi he was one of your friends, one of the only.
"Yuu chan, umm I think he's in the cafeteria, if he isn't there he will be out in the training rooms."
"Thanks Yoichi, he's not going to be able to survive this." You say as you crack your knuckles.
"I don't know he's pretty tough." Replies Yoichi to your anger.
"Lets see about that." You reply walking off towards to training rooms. They are closer to the dorms then the cafeteria, which is a bit strange you would think it would be the other way round. But I guess that when you live in a world that's a hell hole you deal with what you've got.

You slam the doors of the training room open. The doors swinging and crashing against the walls. You definitely make an entrance.
"Which one of you rookies you Yuu?" You shout across the huge room filled with all kinds of people from all different ages and squads.
"Me, who's asking?" Shouts Yuu as he walks towards you. His hand resting in his sword in it sheath.
"I am." You say to him as you also place your hand about your swords gold, red and black patterned handle.
"What do you want?" Yuu deadpans.
"Are you the one who keeps sending those trashed, rundown, almost un-repairable uniforms to the UR station?" You growl at Yuu.
"Uniforms I just throw them into the basket in my room ready for pick up. I don't know where they go." Replies Yuu, matching your level of anger.
"The last mission you came back from did you throw a uniform into pick up with a sleeve falling off same with the chest panel and one leg of the pants missing?" You raise your voice once again catching attention of everyone in the room.
"Maybe, why does it matter to you?" Replies Yuu.
"Who the fuck do you think keeps fixing all your uniforms ha? What you think that you get a fresh brand new one every time you trash one on a mission. Well you don't. I have to slave away fixing your fucking uniform, when I could be hanging out with my friends, squad and making new weapons for you to fight with, but no I have to keep fixing your uniforms cause you think your so go on the battle field. Well guess what I've lost many friends in the fight against the fangs and it is people like you and your cocky ass getting them killed. We don't have the luxury of just getting supplies when we want. The world doesn't work like that anymore. So why don't you get of your ass and fight and respect that uniform your wearing cause it shows who you are, what you fight for and who you want to protect. And if I were you I would stop trashing them cause it is the last thing you could wear before you die. And I would want to die with respect of saying this is who I am." You scream at Yuu. He looks at you shocked.
"I know who I am. I know who I fight for and I don't need a stupid uniform to fight for people to know that. I've lost people too, so don't think your the only one suffering cause your not." Shouts Yuu.
"Suffering ha, you don't know the meaning of the word." You reply strongly.
"WHAT!?" Yuu draws his sword to point at you, but it's quickly hit out of his hand. You stand in front of him with your sword drawn point at his throat. You had hit his sword out of his hand with yours. Now your black and red blade pointed at him. 
"I wouldn't try anything if I were you, I helped create that weapon of yours and for such and delicate, strong blade it was sure given to a weak owner." You say with a threatening tone. Yuu is shocked, he couldn't move. You with draw your blade and place it back in its black and red patterned sheath.
"Now respect that uniform of yours and if I see it totalled like I did the last time, then that will be that last uniform that you will ever have." You say as you walk out of the silent training room.


Hey everyone I hope you like the first chapter, it might not get the best but let's see where this all goes. I really hope you like it and also don't forget to leave a comment and vote ❤️❤️❤️


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