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Hey everyone your author here!

I have recently noticed some of my comments in my book are being reported due to foul language. I please urge all of my lovely readers please DO NOT report other people comments if they contain words such as fuck, shit and so on. If a reader wishes to show there opinion of my book and their comment contains words such as these then please allow them to. If you feel confronted by these comments then I urge for you to skim over them and read other comments that don't contain these words that you find confronting. 

I know that people may find these words as confronting and I don't wish to make my readers feel uncomfortable in any way. The only reason that my books contain these words is because they fit into the universe of the story and I personally have no problems with these words. There may be some that I will personally like many others of you find confronting. So you are not alone. I can find words when they are put in a certain context to be very harmful and confronting. 

As I said my books are know for containing these words. So please don't be hypocritical. Do not allow me to write these words if you are to them report other comments with these same words in them within the confines of my books. This does not simply apply to this book solely, this applies for all of my books that I write, may that be solely or co write. 

I frequently look over the comments in my books and if I find a comments that I find confronting to myself, are abusive, that may wish to inflict sour feelings upon myself, upon readers or any of my friends, I will then move forward and report that particular comment. 

If you feel that that there is a comment that you wish for my to address, then message me privately about your concern and if action is needed then I will do it personally and avoid disputes between readers. Also don't go after readers that write abusive comments. I will address the situation and want all of my readers to avoid starting or getting into an unnecessarily dispute between one another. Just let me know privately about the situation as I said before and I will deal with it. 

Thanks you all very much and may you all please respect my wishes 

Raita out!

Blood Covered Secrets  {Yuichiro x reader}Where stories live. Discover now