Chapter 14 |~| Cage

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Waking up is a haze, limb sore feeling like a rusty old machine. The area surround you dimly lite to allow you to barely see. Commanding to stand up you are held down by the chains that bound you. The chains around your ankle, wrists and neck. Your eye sight clearing as you repeatedly open and close them. As the haze fades the light around the room lightens allowing you to describe the area you are so confusingly surround with. Bars that trap you like a bird cage, ground as hard as rocks and just as painful, the light, bright, elegant and soft. Trying to stand with your bounds, pulling till they give way for you to move. The chains letting lose allowing you to stand while still bound to the cage walls. Softly and quietly, avoiding the dreaded chime of the chain you walk till the chain no longer allow you to move. Looking out the cage bars into a beautiful room. The carpets red as if it was dyed with blood with gold trimming lining the edges. A set of stairs large, elegant and porcelain white. A throne standing tall at the top of the stairs. A figure gently swaying it small, thin leg clothed with a long black boot. Looking up at the small noticeable long, pink haired figure. Looking at her child like form but presenting herself to be the queen of all beasts.
"Ah, I was wondering when you would awake." Speaks the child. Standing up her figure small and lean as she walks over towards your caged quarters. Standing tall you tower over her figure as she comes closer and closer to the cage. The doll making eye contact with you, you lay a deathly glare upon her.
"Hmm I heard that Ferid made himself a little pet, I never thought another person could resist the urge for human blood. Hm interesting. So what's your name little pet?"
Glaring at her with the urge to kill her you snap a response at her.
"I'm not yours or Ferid's fucking pet!"
"Wow that's quite a tongue you have. Ferid warned me you have a bit of fight in you." She responded with, a devilish smile on her face.
"But it is very wrong to dishonour your queen." Her smile drops as she becomes fierce.
"Fuck You! No one rules over me I rule myself!" Quickly she grabs the collar of your dusty and war torn uniform, pulling you closer to her face, growling at you.
"My my Krul already trying to get a taste of my little pet." Ferid enters the room joyfully smirking at Krul. Krul lets go of your collar and swings around kicking you straight in the stomach. Crouching down you spit up blood, looking but up at her, teeth bared and eyes flashing the colour of red.
"No one gave you permission to turn a human!" Krul redirects her anger at Ferid.
"Well my queen considering that you turned a human yourself without the permission of the council I though it would be fitting for me to also turn one." Ferid walks up to your cage leaning on the bars cautiously. Krul only releases a growl at Ferid and walks back to her throne. Ferid kneels down in front of you.
"My my little pet, did she hurt you, how about I make a deal with you, you drink from one of our live stock, promise to become my servant and I will take you away from this feral cage." Looking up at him directly into his eyes with the spite of hate.
"Fuck you l will never become one of you, I would rather rote and die in this cage then take the life of an innocent child and serve under you." Standing up you look down upon Ferid, spitting on his head. Walking away from him you sit yourself up at the far end of the cage. Waiting. Ferid opens the cage door and enters. His heels clicking in the stone. Waiting. Ferid comes closer and closer his hand reaching for around your neck. Waiting. As Ferid's hand is almost rapped around your neck, you snap. Tearing the chains from the walls. Jumping up you swing one of the chain attached to your wrist catching it with the opposing hand. The chain now rapping around Ferid's neck, chocking him.
"Now what did I say. Let me out of here or I will choke you to death. And I think your lovely queen over then would not care one bit!" You growl into Ferid's ear.
"Little pet I don't think you quite understand." Within seconds Ferid's elbow comes in contact with your face. Knocking you straight out. Your body going limp as you release the chains and fall to the ground. Vision fading to the same state it was in only a couple of minutes ago.

Merely seconds later your open your eyes to a searing pain in your neck. No longer feeling the roughness of the iron bounds around your neck, but now the irritation of something piercing your neck. Screaming in rage your kicking the person or beast upon you.
"My you taste just as good as you did all those years ago." Ferid smirks. Getting up you are only smashing against the cage wall, a gloved hand gripping you neck.
"Now don't disobey me again." Ferid drops you to the ground as he hears the sound of the throne room door opening. Turning around you look at the whitely clothed figure.
"Ahh Mika so kind of you to join us. Can you come her for a second?" Ferid ask the blonde boy.
"I would like you to meet someone. This is my little pet that you have heard so much about." Mika enters the cage and stares down at you, glaring blank at your face then down at your uniform.
"She was working with the humans." Mika says emotionlessly.
"Yes she was found not long after I turned her and she has been working with them ever since." Ferid explains.
"Your one of the people that is taking advantage of my family. Why?" Mika ask anger lacing his tone.
"Ha you would be surprised home many people the humans 'use'. The family in charge of the army doesn't give a shit about us soldiers all the wish for is the total destruction of the vampire race. Can't blame them but the methods they are using, well they are not so fun. I'm not surprised that the army uses your supposed friend." You smirk at Mika. He grips his hand around you neck and smashing you against the bar.
"Fuck is this all vampires like to do smash their prisoners against cage walls." You groan in pain.
"Shut up. SHUT UP! It's all your petty human's faults! It's all your faults that you are using my family! Why are you using Yuu!" Staring back at Mika you look at him shocked. You eyes widening.
"Yuichiro. Your his family." You speak in a low tone. Mika looks at you surprised.
"Shut up!" Mika throws us against the opposing cage wall.
"Mika chain her back up." Krul orders. Mika does as she orders and connects all your chains and bound. Binding them back to the wall.
"Now everyone leave!" Krul orders both Mika and Ferid. Ferid smirking as he makes his exit with the angry Mika.
"Now I want you to tell me why is it that you a changed humans has the ability to ignite their eyes. Vampires eyes change to red as soon as they drink human blood. Now tell me why it is that you can do this without performing this act?" Krul asks you as she sits on her throne. Leaning your sitting figure against the wall you don't respond, you just ponder your thought.
"Is that the Mika boy that Yuu said died as he escaped?" Not giving Krul an answer she leaves you to ponder your thoughts and think over your new found situation.
"If he really is the family of Yuu then I must know. There is a slim chance but maybe he can get me out of here if I promise to find Yuu.

As you think and rot away in the hidden darkness of the cage you don't notice that days and nights that pass you. Your sleep when you want to and refuse any food that is given to you. Ferid comes in often and talks about 'exciting' events from his life. Visiting you often also to only take one thing that you are 'good' for. The red liquid that runs though your veins. Ferid comes in another day to ponder his thoughts on you, only for you to ignore him bluntly. As he talk he mentions dates such as today's. April 26th. You have been trapped in this hell hole for 8 months. You eyes moving upwards to stare at the cage's dark times ceiling. You needed to get out of here. Everyone is well beyond worried the have most likely presumed you missing in action.  Your squad would be in the dumps and Guren is most likely drinking till he is passed out with the liquor of his taste. Ferid leaves the throne room for the door to open only seconds later.
"Do you want to get out of here?" Looking up in shock you connect your eyes with those of a skylit blue. With Mika's


Hey everyone,
I know this chapter is a little bit shorter then most but I was wanting to have just a small set up before I come along and just destroy basically everything for you. So yeah. You have been capture by Ferid that's always fun (yeah no unless Ferid is bae, which he kind of is). And what is Mika going to do? Is he going to help you get out or is it a trap. No one knows cause even I don't know. Haha
Any way thank you for waiting I know it been a while since a new chapter has been released. I hope you like it also please vote and leave a comment

Thanks Raitā

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