Chapter 13 |~| The Misson

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Finally the day of the long awaited mission. The one that was used to finally take back the Shibuya and the Setagaya districts near Tokyo. Sitting on the ground of your dusty room's floor you stretch your legs, first stretching your left then your right. Standing up you roll your body cracking every bone in your body, shaking your body you loosen it up. Opening your closet you pull out your knives and blades, sliding them into your boots and sliding them onto your belt holster. Picking up your leg holster and rod you clip it to your thigh. Having not used your rod in a while, it felt odd to have it strapped to your body, having a connection also with a weapon that wasn't attached to Artemis felt odd also. You finally pick Artemis up clipping her to her holster. Walking over to the to your still open closet you take your cape of a hanger, swinging it over your shoulders and clipping it into place, grabbing the collar and pulling it up, snapping it into place. Closing your closet and walking over to your door, looking back into your room, having a hidden feeling that it might be the last time that you will see it. Snapping your head back to the door you open it and walk out.
"Hey (Y/n)!" Shouts Yuu.
"Hey Yuu!" You reply.
"Guren asked me to give this to you." Looking down at a holster bag you open it bluntly. Looking at the red contents of the viles then closing the bag, clipping it to place on the back of your belt next to the blades. Yuu looks at you confused.
"What?" You asks looking at Yuu.
"I umm, what is in those viles, I when I carried you back to your room a couple of weeks ago I saw them empty in a box in your closet, I didn't mean to pry, the door was just open and I saw them as I was leaving." Yuu puts his hands up defensively.
"I umm, you know umm, how I have Artemis well so that my body can stand using her power and not get possessed by her I take this well medicine you can call it so that my body resists getting possessed by her." You make up a lie in order to once again hid from Yuu, keeping your secret safe.
"Okay." Yuu nods his head.
"OMG, thank god that worked!" You scream internally. The pair of you start to walk to join the rest of your squad. Walking down to meet them, you see Guren walk towards you.
"Hey you two, your squad went ahead of you, they said they will meet you at the wall, take the subway. Also (Y/n), did you get everything?"
"Yep." You nod to Guren. He smiles and pats your head, also leaving a kiss on your head. He walks away with a smile on his face. You smile back to him and wave enthusiastically at him. He laughs at you at and waves back. Yuu looks at you softly and smiles. Turning to look at him you notice his smile.
"What are you smiling at?" You ask.
"Nothing." He replies, still smiling. You start to walk, but your hand is grabbed softly and you are spun around. A white, gloved hand placing itself on your left cheek as your lips meet the hands owner. Yuu. Softly pulling back you punch him in the arm, he looks at you confused but then you pull on his jacket and kiss him back passionately. Letting him go you smirk and start to walks again, Yuu coming up behind you and wrapping his fingers with yours.

After a short train ride you finally made it to the wall and notice your squad sitting down near the exit. You walk up to them, they get up noticing the two of you. Shinoa give you the normal debriefing of the mission, explaining it in her own 'Shinoa' way. After her joking around you step in.
"This mission will be the hardest that this team has ever faced, do not take it lightly, keep it in mind that one of us could die today, that death is possible, so try your hardest and as Yuu knows, you will die in order to bring this war to an end. But lets not lose any of you guys today. Okay!" You yell smiling with tears lingering at the ended of your eyes. Everyone walks up to you and has a huge group hug, Yuu finding his way to secretly hug you tightly with the rest of the squad surrounding you. You all step away from the hug with the sound of sirens.
"Okay let's go that's our signal to move out!" Shinoa shouts over the blaring noise. You run down the platform towards a large door, the scratching sound of it opening signally the start of a battle that could change your lives forever, be that may if you win or lose against the beast that devour ones blood. Taking lead of the group you place one foot on the step below you, staring out into the soon to be battle field, where anything is possible. Making peace with your sins as you do before every battle you ready yourself for what is to come.
"Lord, for I have sinned, please cleanse me for what I have done and what I may lay waste upon this earth, for I may be a beast that hides behind your name in order to be what I once was. May you stand by me and protect me even though I am a creature created by the Devil. May you forgive me for the power I use in order to protect those I care for and fight behind your name honourably as one of your solider. May it be that I die in this battle, or that I take the lives of the beast created by you the creator of the world. Forgive me for my sins, my Lord."
Everyone stands behind you proudly. You walk down the stairs towards the battle that is to come.
"Shinoa, what does (Y/n) mean by that?" Asks Kimizuki quietly.
"No one knows, we only know that she says it before every battle she fights." Replies Shinoa with a whisper.
"I know what she means." Everyone looks as Yuu. "She thinks that she is a beast of this world and that God won't forgive her for what she is to do, that even if she dies she will be a beast the is seen to falsely fight behind the name of God. She doesn't want to be seen as a beast, but as a solider of God."

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