Chapter Seven

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I'd spent all night staring at the lock box I'd found at Corey's. I wanted to open it but I was nervous at what I would find inside. This box could hold intimate secrets, and Corey had to have something to hide to keep it under the floorboards.

Somewhere in my bedroom, a phone goes off jolting me out of bed. My phone and Corey's were on the bedside table and I didn't own any other phone. It kept ringing so I knew I had to find it in order to turn it off. Throwing off the covers I get out of bed and start playing the hotter and colder game with myself.

After turning my bedroom upside down I fall to my knees feeling defeated with the mystery phone still ringing. My floor was also wooden like Corey's and I want to slap myself for being so stupid. Crawling around I keep tapping the panels until one feels loose enough for me to pull up.

And low and behold there was the damn mystery phone. Taking it out I turn off the alarm which had been set for today. I'd never seen this before and it didn't belong to anyone I knew. Just then the screen lights up with a new message.

Unknown: Don't question the phone or who this is...just know I'm here to watch over you like right now you can't use your old phone because someone close to you has put a tracker on it...

I snort at the message, no way had someone put a tracker on my phone because this wasn't a spy film. I get up and grab my old phone which was old enough you could still take the back off. The mystery phone person had hit the nail on the head because there was something small, round and black hiding under the battery.

Fae (To Unknown): How do I know you didn't put the tracker on so I'd be forced to use this phone which could also have a tracker on!

Unknown: Trust me I'm not the smartest tool in the box Fae. You have every right to get rid of this phone but I know you won't because you're curious about everything that's happened recently...Shit got to go someone's trying to talk to me...

Well, this morning had taken an interesting turn of events, I now had a burner phone and my old phone had been hacked. Maybe I could find out who bugged my phone. But now I needed to get ready for my shift at the record store.

~Record Store~

The store wasn't busy so I take out my laptop and try to find a person who could help me with my tech issue. I find one guy who looked promising, and he agreed to come to the store today. I made sure to call on my burner phone so the bugger on my other phone didn't get suspicious.

I was just finishing my lunch when the bell above the door rings. A tall guy with messy blonde hair, a scruffy beard and wearing a cowboy hat walks up to the counter grabbing my attention from the get go.

"I'm Danny, we spoke on the phone Fae. You have tech issues."

I nod, "yes I am. I found something stuck behind my phone battery."

Sliding the phone across the counter Danny picks it up and takes off the back.

"This isn't just a tracker to trace your location, but with the right software whoever placed this could get a hold of your messages, phone log excreta."

I was stunned, "can you do something about it, Danny?"

He sighs, "I can disable it but it might raise suspicions, or I could track it back and get a name but that will take a couple of days."

Tapping my nails on the counter I had to think what was best. I did want to know who hacked my phone so it looked like my decision was made.

"I'd like you to track it, Danny."

"Do you want me to look at any other devices?"

I stare down at my laptop before sliding it across the counter, "maybe this as well if you can."

Danny plugs a USB stick into the laptop and sets about typing like a maniac. I really didn't think this was how my day would go, meeting a hacker at work.

"Someone's also watching your laptop. But I can install software which keeps you safe and able to search things without any other person knowing."

"Please do that Danny. I just can't believe someone would want to hack me, I'm boring."

Danny snorts, "trust me people don't have to have a real reason to hack. Some are bored geeks living in their parent's basements, but occasionally you get a professional. There you go the software is loaded and you're safe."

I open my purse and hand him the agreed amount of money.

"How will you track the phone?"

"I've copied the device onto my own laptop so I'll be able to track without physically taking your phone as to not raise suspicion."

I cheer and walk around the counter to hug him. He laughs and hugs me back, he gave great hugs.

"Are we interrupting something?"

I pull away from Danny and make eye contact with Rosie, Derek, Alex, and Ellie. What were they doing here? Rosie's shift didn't start for another half hour.

"Danny told me something that made me feel happy guys, I'm allowed to be happy."

Ellie looks slightly taken aback at the fact I was standing my ground to her, while Rosie grins over Ellie's shoulder and gives me a thumbs up.

Danny clears his throat, "I'm going to go now Fae so you can talk to your friends. But remember what I said, you can trust me."

I smile and Danny walks out of the store cowboy hat and all. Once he leaves I go to grab my jacket and bag from behind the counter making sure to keep an eye on my phone and laptop at all times.

"I'll head off early if you're here now Rosie. I want to run some errands around town."

"Remember to buy milk because I used the last of yours the other day."

I roll my eyes at Ellie, I really should take my keys back which I'd given to my two best friends for emergencies. These girls liked to eat all my food.

"Anything else I should add to the shopping list girls?"

Rosie raises her hand, "pop tarts and lucky charms please."

I snort, "I've added your requests to my mental shopping list."

I couldn't wait to leave the store, I could handle Ellie and Rosie but Derek and Alex were staying silent and staring at me like I had a second head or something. Once outside I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, I pull out the burner phone to see a message off the unknown caller.

Unknown: I like Danny he can rock a cowboy hat

Fae: You sound like you have a man crush mystery person. Do I know you?

Unknown: Yes you know me Fae

Fae: Well I'm going food shopping now

Unknown: I think I'm going to grab a bite to eat as well

I put the phone away and lean against the bus stop waiting for the next bus. Taxies could be expensive.

The Devil In I (Corey Taylor) (Slipknot) (Vampire) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now