Chapter Eight

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Unknown: I can't keep quiet anymore Fae. You need to know the truth

That wasn't the message I was expecting to wake up to. This past couple of weeks I'd spoken to the unknown person almost every day, and most of the conversations were casual until today.

Fae: What do you need to tell me?

Unknown: I don't want to scare you Fae but you're in DANGER!

Fae: What do you mean?

Unknown: Go to the public library and look up news articles about The Titanic and Corey's name

I freeze, this was the first time Corey's name had been dropped in conversation. Whoever was on the other end of the phone had been dancing around the subject like they knew Corey personally.

Fae: What will I find?

Unknown: The truth, which will make you less naive to those who seek to hurt you!

This person had been right on the money at all times. So if they wanted me to go to the library and look up old news articles about Corey I would. Plus it got me out of bed and kept me active.


It was dead in here. The old woman behind the desk points me in the direction of the news article room. There were a lot of news articles but luckily I had a starting point. Finding articles about The Titanic I start to put them up on the projector hoping I didn't find any mention of Corey Taylor since he wasn't alive back then.

Around the tenth article I stare at the screen, the news story was about how the local Taylor Family survived the sinking of The Titanic. There was a family portrait and low and behold it was like I was staring at a ghost, in front of my eyes was my dead fiancé.

Taking out the burner phone I open the messages between myself and the unknown number.

Fae: I found the Taylor family surviving The Titanic, and yes the man looked like Corey and have the same name but doesn't mean it's him

Unknown: I'm going to give you more eras to look up and then maybe you'll understand what I'm trying to show you Fae. Keep an open mind and maybe look up the rest of Slipknot!

The person started bombarding me with specific dates and eras to look up. I continued scrolling through the news articles hoping to prove the mystery person wrong. However along with each date and era, both here in America and even in Europe familiar faces and names kept popping up. I was seeing images of Slipknot members as if they'd never aged, sure every now and then they changed their hairstyles but there was no denying what was right in front of my eyes.

Fae (To Unknown): WTF!!!

Unknown: You tell me Fae, what does it look like to you?

Fae: You could have faked all those articles. You're just trying to spook me like you did earlier saying I was in danger but here I am still breathing!

I didn't expect myself to get worked up over this. Sure I was convinced Corey wasn't dead, but there was no way in hell he and his band had been alive for decades.

Unknown: Spooky or supernatural?

Yes, I was a believer in all things supernatural, but Corey couldn't be supernatural because he would have told me. We were going to be married and married couples didn't keep secrets from one another. But now looking back maybe the signs were already there.

Whenever we ate Corey would only have a small portion saying he'd eaten beforehand, and he liked to drink from a black sports bottle which he said helped keep his voice intact. But he walked around in the sunlight without burning up, then I twirl the engagement ring on my finger and freeze. I watched a lot of supernatural fantasy shows and I swear the gem in my ring was a lapis lazuli that allowed vampires to walk around in the sunlight.

My phone vibrates again, unknown was talking to me again.

Unknown: Are you still there?

Fae: Are you telling me Corey and the rest of Slipknot are vampires?

Unknown: Yes! Now I can tell you why you're in danger!

Fae: Tell me everything...

Unknown: There were hunters after Slipknot and they found out about you so Corey faked his death to keep you safe...However, it appears the hunters don't believe he's dead and will try to use you to make Corey reveal himself so they can kill him!

Well, at least the mystery person wasn't sugar coating everything. The truth was scary and honest, now all those self-defense and gun training made sense. Corey was trying to protect me before he faked his death to keep me safe. After his death, I was torn apart and emotional, to anyone normal they'd believe Corey was dead but to a trained hunter not so much.

When my phone goes off again I'm surprised to see Danny's name.

Danny: Fae we need to meet up I have some shocking news about your bugged phone

Fae: Meet me at my apartment Danny

I send him the address and start to pack up the library archive room in case anyone wanted to use it after me. I needed to tell the unknown person.

Fae (To Unknown): That Danny guy has some news about my bugged phone and I'm meeting him at my apartment...

Throwing my phone into my bag I quickly leave the library.


I trusted this Danny guy, hell I'd placed the ads online because he was a good friend. But I didn't want Fae going back to her apartment because I knew what Danny had to show her, and this move was putting a prime target on her back.

"I'm just popping out, be back in a bit."

No one so much as bats an eyelash as I exit our makeshift home. But I don't get too far before a hand comes down on my shoulder.

"I know what you've been doing and I'm coming with you before he finds out and kills you."

I sigh, someone had to figure out sooner or later. I was kind of surprised it was this person who had found out my secret.

The Devil In I (Corey Taylor) (Slipknot) (Vampire) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now