Chapter Thirteen

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Something was wrong; the guys weren't back from Rosie's even after our warning message about the hunters moving in on them. Corey, Sid, Joey and Chris were getting more nervous with each passing second.

"I'm going to ring Rosie."

Dialling Rosie's number someone picks up so I put it on the loudspeaker.

"Rosie it's Fae, we're just wondering if you're okay?"

"Sorry Fae but Rosie or your bloodsucking friends can't come to the phone right now, they're kind of busy."

I nearly drop the phone hearing Derek's menacing voice on the other end. The guy's heads snap towards me, we were not expecting any hunters to pick up this phone. I clench my fist.

"Where the hell are my best friend and Slipknot Derek? I'll gut you like a fish if you or any of your scummy hunters lay a finger on anybody."

Derek laughs, "Fighting talk Fae. We'll let Rosie go if you and the remaining bloodsuckers come to the warehouses outside of town and let us rid your kind of cancer from this world. You have thirty minutes and then we'll start having fun with innocent little Rosie."

He hangs up and I find myself throwing the phone at the opposite wall smashing it into tiny pieces like I wanted to do to the hunters. Corey closes the space between us and pulls me into his arms.

"Let it all out Fae, never conceal your anger."

I pound my fists against his chest, "what are we going to do? You guys can't sacrifice yourselves but I can't let Rosie die either. We're in a pickle."

Corey rubs my back, "you're forgetting that we have our brothers in that warehouse. Slipknot has been around decades Fae, we survived then and we'll survive this one way or another."

I pull back, Corey was right but I didn't want to lose him this time for real.

"So you can promise me that if we both go into that warehouse we'll both come out alive?"

He tilts his head sighing, "I'm not going to make you that promise Fae but I know we'll both try our hardest to reunite with each other."

Wow, he was cheesy as fuck, but he was my cheesy as fuck fiancé and I wouldn't change him for the world.

"I hate to break up this touching moment guys but we need to prepare."

Corey and I pull away from each other knowing Sid was right.

"I don't think there's much we can do to prepare Sid. They'll have the place covered, we go in all guns blazing. What do you say, guys?"

The rest of us nod looks like we were following Corey's lead and going in all guns blazing.


The five of us approach the warehouses with ten minutes to spare before the deadline, Corey and I holding hands. The whole place looked abandoned and void of life. This didn't feel like a very safe place.

"I don't want to jinx things but maybe they're not here."

The four of us glare at Joey, why would he say something like that? And as if the jinx comes true, Sid who was stood next to me suddenly slumps to the ground unconscious in a blink of an eye.

"You had to fucking say that Joey."


Sid collapse on the ground, a bullet square between his eyes to knock him out but not enough to kill him. Chris starts to scold Joey when I feel Fae's hand slip from mine.


Something heavy comes down on the back of my head.


At least Fae was putting up a fight. My whole body feels paralysed as I was dragged across the ground before slowly losing consciousness. I would find my way back to Fae.


A black bag is put over my head cutting off my sight of watching four badass vampires getting picked off one by one.

"You shouldn't have come Fae."

My whole body tenses when Ellie whispers close to my ear, the bag slightly muffling her voice. My hands are quickly cuffed stopping me from lashing out and hurting her like I very much wanted to.

I snort, "And let your precious boyfriend kill Rosie. Unlike you Ellie I care about my friends."

"Wrong answer bitch," Ellie growls, and then my world goes dark.


I was bound with rope and my wrists were hooked to something above me forcing my arms above my head. I'd been slapped around and beaten when I first arrived which made Shawn very mad, but they soon isolated us to separate parts of the warehouses.

The ropes cut into my wrists each time I try and move, you could tell Ellie was in the Girl Scouts from her knot skills. I still couldn't believe she was letting Derek, Alex and their friends torture me. What made matters worse was that she seemed to be the one doing the torturing, and she seemed to enjoy it.

The metal door slams open and Ellie walks in looking smug before moving aside to let Derek and Alex drag in an unconscious and bound Fae. My heart sinks, she'd sacrificed herself so they'd let me go, but we both had to know deep down that was a lie and both of us were going to die here today.

"Look, Rosie, we're all reunited, all the squad back together again."

Ellie's voice was like nails on a chalkboard and I wanted to slap the smug grin off her face. Fae was hung up like me on the opposite wall, except she was in metal cuffs which would be harder to escape from.

"Rosie baby this is what happens when you side with bloodsuckers?"

Alex takes a knife and plunges it into Fae's stomach jolting her awake and pulls an ear deafening scream from between her lips. I struggle against the ropes wanting to help my stabbed friend.

"Fuck you, Alex."

Alex goes to turn his rage on me but Derek stops him, "let's go have some fun with both of their bloodsucker lovers."

The two brothers leave the room leaving just us girls. Fae was gasping, trying to fight through the pain and get her breathing back under control. Ellie saunters over to a table full of knives and picks one up.

"I've always wondered what it would be like to take a knife and carve into human flesh, now here's my chance."

"Stop being emo and cut to the chase Ellie, I never did like your monologues."

I shoot Fae a 'shut the hell up' face but all she does is grin and spit blood out of her mouth, why was she antagonising Ellie? Then it dawned on me that she wanted to protect me, now I needed to find a way to escape so we both could get out of here.

"I'm not emo, you're emo."

Ellie takes the knife and in frenzy like trance starts slicing different parts of Fae's body. Fae bites her lip not wanting to give Ellie the satisfaction of seeing her in pain. Even if I closed my eyes I could still hear the blade cutting into skin, I felt like I was in a slasher film.


Ellie throws the knife to the floor and storms out of the room slamming the door behind her. From what I could tell the door should lock automatically trapping us inside, but the force of her slam jarred the door open giving me some small sense of hope.    

The Devil In I (Corey Taylor) (Slipknot) (Vampire) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now