My dream

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So I had this really weird dream....

I was with my family (Mum, dad, sister, brother) at some park thing. There was a little room and every so often candy and chocolate would fall from the ceiling.

I ran in and got so much candy and ate it all. Then there was this little like three year old who had an absolute BITCH of a mother. The mother acted like I was their freaking servant and ordered me to help her daughter. She acted like it was her freaking LEGAL RIGHT for me to help her and I was break one of the 10 Commandments or something by not immediately jumping to her assistance and being like "yes Ma'am can I spend all my money on you and make you the Queen?"

Anyway, she was like someone important and apparently she could get me a scholarship to Harvard to start the next week or something (remember I'm 13). Mum started sucking up to her and we went on like a walk and I vaguely remember some shop thing with a gorgeous blue ballgown. Anyway.

We went onto a pontoon or boardwalk or jetty or something like that, that didn't have barriers at the edges. The little kid was leaning over and whined when I tried to stop it from falling Mum said "Leave her" so I did and I looked away. I heard a splash and the kid had fallen in. Mum and the bitch lady were looking like they expected me to jump in and save it but i just folded my arms and said "You said to leave her, you can fucking save her yourself" then the kid drowned.

I saw the face of the mother and my mum and I like ninja sprinted away (yeah you can ninja run, deal with it) and into a shopping centre the was conveniently nearby.

I think the kid came alive or they got a new kid because i was sneaking up some stairs and the mums looked and I like dropped and was lying flat on the stairs, then they turned away and I ran but the kid pointed at me and screamed (thanks, am I really that ugly?) and the mums looked. I sprinted up and went through about twelve shops. I ran through MYER or something and they followed, and it turns out I was back at the park but it shared a carpark with the shops, so I then had a very intense few moments of hiding behind cars and running. Then I think I must have lost them because I sprinted into the shop. An Indian chick offered me perfume and I said "YEAH A LOT" so she poured the whole thing on me and then I got a makeover, new clothes and a haircut and I guess I must be on the run still.

Because I got offered a scholarship to Harvard.

The weirdest thing: I wasn't puffed at all! I was actually fit and able to run! yay

Also it happened not last night but the night before, so on Friday night.

My dreams are fucked up. I know

Comment your favourite part!

Also dedicated to my newest follower @Cadbury2446

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