Beach Essentials!

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Hello! Now I know that most places it's cold and crappy, but in Australia it's hot hot hot!!! So here are some beach tips.

1. Don't kick or shake sand onto me! Okay, let's be real here. How many times have you been at the beach, just chilling, looking damn fine with your new sunnies and pink-zinc lips, ready to be cast in the next hit music video with Harry Styles - when someone shakes their towel and gets sand over you. Cue the spluttering, rubbing sand out of your eyes (or into your eyes...) while some stranger walks off with their now sand-free towel. Just don't do it, okay? 

2. Put some clothes on your child. I don't care how old your child is. You should not let them run around naked at the beach where the entire world can see. Especially if it's a boy - put it away! Yeah, I understand you reasoning and I'll probably do it myself one day, but let me tell you something: It's not fun to be building a sandcastle with my little cousin, and look up to find myself face-to-genitals with some toddler. The only reason you can have your child without clothes or a swimsuit is if you're changing them into or out of clothes or swimmers - and in that case, put a towel around them while they're nude.

3. Wear a dress. Obviously, this one is for the ladies, but trust me - a dress is so much easier than shorts and a shirt. You can throw it on over swimming togs, or you can make your togs-to-clothes transition a LOT easier. Just go with me on this one. 

4. Sun protection. Yeah yeah I'm being your mother/father/grandmother/teacher/other-boring-adult but seriously, if you get skin cancer it'll suck. And do you really want three-day-old sunburn and peeling skin to ruin your beach bonfire? Didn't think so. Personally, I don't really peel and sunburn doesn't particularly hurt unless it's underneath a bra or swimmers that are rubbing or pressing on it, but for my sister and friends sunburn is a killer. Your skin will stay healthier, you'll still get tanned and later on, future-you will thank current-you for it when they don't have to get sun spots removed. (WARNING: Some SPF can cause break-outs so if you're prone to that try find a moisturizer or foundation with SPF in it)

5. Control your children/pets/other creatures. Okay, sometimes it can be cute if a random toddler wanders over to where we're building a sandcastle, or if a puppy visits. But if you've got a soaking wet dog, DO NOT let it come and shake all over my towel and food. And the other thing that annoys me beyong belief is when toddlers or little kids come over to my sandcastle... and DESTROY it! Like NO BUILD YOUR OWN! I worked hard on this! Long story short, if your creature is going to inconvenience or annoy someone else, leave it at home or keep it close. Or at the very least, check with your surrounding people to see if they mind having your toddler sit on their esky. 

That's all I have time for right now I'm afraid, but if you have any more beach tips please leave them in the comments down below :) 


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