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Okay, Okay okay okay okay, i'm sorry. I am SO SORRY! I haven't updated in like 5 months. I haven't really been on Wattpad THAT much lately either. Anyway, SORRY!! 

And on another note... WOAH ALMOST 13K READS, PEOPLE!!!  Also 500votes and 630 comments!! I love love love you all! 

This is just a little update (*cough* a list of excuses for why I haven't been on Wattpad updating for you amazing people *cough*) on my life and what I've been up to. 

This chapter is going to contain advice AND requests for advice, so please comment! 

ALSO while we're chattering, I was thinking of doing an advice/Q&A post sometime soon. Good idea? 

If you enjoy, don't forget to vote, comment and of course, follow meeee!!


As of January 20, 2015

1. Christmas! Everyone obviously knows that Christmas/Hannukah/December happened and was really festive. On Christmas Day my Mum and I went to Midnight Mass, which is a tradition of ours. Then I went to my Dad's (at like 1:15 in the morning... :P ) and when I woke up there (got woken up by siblings) we opened PRESENTS! A few things I got at Dad's include a guitar, a handbag and wallet, a beach towel, the Taylor Swift 1989 album and a gift voucher for Westfield (Westfield has a buch of huge shopping centres in Australia). We also went over to our neighbour's, and I had two cups of coffee before Dad noticed and said that was enough. I got an iTunes gift voucher from them which was great because I can download stuff... yeah that was lame. ANYWAY I then went to my Mum's ad got MORE PRESENTS including a beach bag, an icecream maker, hair and beauty stuff, makeup and LUSH gift vouchers. Then we went to my grandparent's house and some of my cousins (about a third - there were eleven of us including my brother, sister and myself) were there. My grandmother always makes an AMAZING Christmas lunch so I try not to ever miss Christmas at her place! I got thee cute PJs and a LUSH gift box among other things. THEN we went back to Mum's and did more presents, including more makeup, a satchel bag, a backpack-purse thing and SIMS 4!! Anyway you probably were really bored reading about my Christmas so moving on... 

2. Mum's boyfriend & Dad's girlfriend. So my dad has a girlfriend, Fiona (who has 4 kids aged, 10, 8, 6 and 2) and Mum has a boyfriend called Adam (who has 5 kids, three who have graduated high school and two aged 13 and 11) and that's been kinda weird and distracting. As well as that, we've had to hang out with them and stuff - which isn't bad but is obviously something that takes up some of my time. 

3. The Sims 4

I GOT SIMS FOR CHRISTMAS!! It is amazing and I've already played on it for about 60 hours... Oops. Also my sister plays on it which is annoying. She's got a family with the surname "Bliss" and is always (whether I'm playing on Sims or not) begging to play with the Blisses. IT IS ANNOYING!! Any advice on how to get her to stop????????

4. New Years!

Obviously EVERYONE knows about New Years! I spent it with my mum and sister (my brother was at a sailing nationals) and stayed up util 3am and YEAH that was fun.

5. Beach house

Remember Fiona from before? Dad's gf? Yeah. Well, she and Dad rented this amazing beach house for a week (Saturday Jan 3 - Saturday Jan 10). Five bed, three bath. I got my own room! We went with Fi and her kids, and Dad and us kids... I was in one room, Dad and Fi in another, Fiona's two boys in one, my sister and Fi's two daughters in another, and my brother in the last one. It was fun. That's all I'm gonna say. 

6. Friends moving away

ALL OF MY FRIENDS ARE MOVING! One moved only 45 minutes away and that was a while ago, so it's not so bad because I've gotten used to it, but another has moved to the other side of the country!! I HAVEN'T SEEN HER IN A MONTH! SHE IS MY BEST FRIEND EVER AND I MISS HER!! Also today two more frieds, who are sisters, moved to Adelaide, which is AGES away!! So I've been preoccupied with goodbyes and missing people. The first two (M and G) I was used to seeing every day, at school; the other two (E and R) live across the road from my dad. 

So that is my list of excuses, I hope you enjoyed it! I'll have a real post up SOON I PROMISE!!


I want to make a YouTube channel but my mum doesn't want me to. I was thinking I could make videos and does anyone know if you can upload videos to Photobucket? If so, I will put them on there and attach them to my Wattpad posts!

Love Becky xx

*Thanks for reading! Please comment, vote and subscribe/follow @Im_Just_Becky. Requests are appreciated for future posts and remember to have an amazing day*

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