Chapter 8

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"The next right then we should be there." I direct my dad through the path I went yesterday.

The small car park had little parks available, but we managed to sneak a spot after a small blue car pulled out. I had directed him to Sue's Diner, where I promised to get him a double chicken burger for

"Got your resume?" My dad asks as he puts the car in park.

"Resume, check." I wave it in his face.

"Listen." Dad grabbed my arm, stopping me from shooting out of the car.

"You don't need to get a job. It's not like we need the extra money. You know that don't you?" His voice was low but stern.

Clearing his throat, he let go of my arm as I rush into the diner. I wait in the busy line, and start to think that maybe it was a little too busy today. Before I would leave the line, Sue, the diners owner, called next, and my legs started moving to the counter all on their own. Sue looked worn out, and in desperate need of help, so I wanted to make this short and sweet. Instead of Sue serving me, Michael stepped in so his Gran could take a break. Sweet of him, but not what I needed right now.

"Dylan, back so soon?" He laughed.

"Ah, yeah, I actually brought this in. Just in case you know, you guys needed the extra help?" I said while handing him my resume.

"Wow, that's a lot of references." He stated as his eyes scanned the piece of A4 paper.

"Yeah, cute apron by the way, really suits your hair." I refer to the pink apron tied around his waist.

"I'll give this to my gran, and put a good word in for you."

"Oh, could I also get a double chicken burger, for my dad." I say quickly before Michael walks away.

"Cute place." I hear my dads voice at the door.

"Dad, I thought you wanted to eat at home?" I walk towards him, as he wonders through the busy space.

"I like it in here, we might as well order something." He suggests as he takes a seat at one of the larger booths in the room.

He handed me my book I had left in the back seat of the car. We were both straying from out Stephen King month, as it was nearing the end we just wanted something different. I look over the menu briefly, as I may as well eat here while dad is. I stop at the chocolate chip pancakes, and remind myself to order it when dads food arrives at the table.

"I'll have chocolate chip pancakes too please." I ask the waitress as she delivers the double chicken burger.

"Dad" I waved my hand in front of his face.


"Whatcha reading."

"War of the worlds, H.G Wells" He spoke enthusiastically while holding the cover up.

I begin to listen to him as he explains what the book is about, and what has happened in the chapters he has read so far. I was so intrigued with the plot, that I didn't notice Ashton, Luke and Calum walk into the diner. It was until I seen Calum wave, that my attention was drawn to them. I quickly wave back, hoping it didn't distract my Dad from his discussion to notice who I'm waving at.

I look back to my dad who was smirking at me. He turned in his seat, and began to stare at them, not even managing a blink. Their smiles and laughs fade as they notice his deadly look, and all I can do is pray that this scenario isn't about to happen again. First Matt and Jimmy, now these three? What else could he do to humiliate me?

"Dad. Quit it!" I whisper as my leg hits his shin.

"Friends are they?" Dad wickedly grins ignoring the dull ache I left in his leg.

"No, no no!" I reached over the table trying to pull on his shirt, to avert his attention to me.

He pointed at all three of them, and looking taken aback by the situation, they all clumsily pointed at themselves for clarification.

"Yes, you three! Come join us." He yelled across the small area of the diner.

They each began to push each other forward to walk first, but managed to make their way to our table with pink cheeks. I would have taken a picture of their humiliation if I wasn't red in the face myself. No wonder I had no friends in Yorkshire, my dad was always around to keep them away.

"Please, sit" My dad offered.

I get out of my seat and move next to my dad, to save them the decision of who would be stuck sitting with them. The three of them gathered on the booth seat I left, siting politely and close together.

"Seriously dad. They probably have somewhere to be." I elbow him urging him to let them leave, but of course, that wasn't in the agenda for today. Completely ignoring my statement, he went on to introduce himself, and likewise, to receive introductions.

"I'm Ben. Dylan's father" He said to each of them shaking Ashton's hand first.

"Ashton Irwin sir." Ashton spoke respectfully.

"And your Calum, the boy helping Dyl in calculus." My dad smiled, obviously proud of himself that he remembered his name.

But by the time my dad reached Luke, Luke was already occupied. He was studying the book that lay in front of him. Pride and Prejudice. The book I had read more times than I like to think about. After a few more seconds looking at the master piece that is Jane Austen, he slid the book over.

"Yours?" He whispers, and I return his words with a small nod.

"And you are son?"

"Oh sorry, I'm Luke. I'm a huge fan, I've read a lot of your work sir." To my surprise, Luke sounded very confident.

"Is that right?" My dad asked, obviously pleased. "Do you have a favourite?"

This simple question led to a full blown conversation solely involving Luke and my dad. They spoke of the characters that Luke was extremely fond of in each book, and I could see my dad liking Luke more and more with each compelling word he spoke about his work.

"If I had known their was a quiz I would have studied." I here Ashton whisper, and I try to conceal my laugh.

"Dad, we should get back." I said, loud enough to interrupt his conversation.

"But you're friend Luke here has great taste in authors, has he mentioned that he has read-" He began to say, but saw my pleading expression causing him to shut up and nod.

"Well we best be off, it was good to meet you all." My dad started walked to the counter to pay for my pancakes.

"I am so sorry about that, he feeds of my humiliation." I begin to apologise.

"No stress, he seems great." Luke replied with a smile.

"Okay, well I should go. I'll see you guys at school."

"Dad!" I yelled and slapped him as we get out of the diner.

"Why? Why? Why on earth would you do that? I have to got to school with those people!"

"I just wanted to see who you're friends with!"

"That's like me asking to meet all the women you've slept with! It would be awkward wouldn't it!" I fire back.

"I just don't want you getting hurt. I know you think they seem like great guys, and deep down they might be. They just look like trouble. Don't you have ANY females friends Dyl?"

"Just forget it dad, seriously. If you get to pick and choose my friends, does that mean I get to pick and chose yours?" I say quieter.

"Fine, don't say I didn't warn you. They just remind me of-" He stopped mid sentence and closed him mouth before blurting out whatever he had intended to say.

"Remind you of who?"

"Forget it Dyl."

"Dad, tell me."

"Myself. They remind me of me as a teenager. Especially that Luke one. And just look where that got your mother. I don't want you to end up like her."

After those words, the car ride back was silent.


Just a filler on what happened the following day, sorry if its shortt

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