Chapter 39

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I continue to run, and don't stop.

I've been running for a solid ten minutes as I try to remember where Luke's house is.

I ran, and ran. I didn't know how, but I somehow ended up at the front of his house, contemplating whether to go in or not. There were no cars outside, so there was a good chance that his parents weren't home.

I was still shaking and confused about what had happened earlier. In fact, I was putting my main focus on Luke whilst running, and I had no time to even think about her. The chilling thought about my so called 'mum' made me run up to his door step and open the door.

At this point, all I wanted to do was see him, so I didn't care much if I looked like a psycho path entering his house uninvited. I shut the door as quietly as I could and made my way to where I remembered his room to be.

I felt calmer the nearer I got to where I hoped he would be. I got outside his door and was tempted to knock, before the door swung open revealing Luke standing there in nothing but boxers and a baseball bat held up in the air.

"Dylan?" He said, sounding more than relieved.

"What are you doing?" I asked him, gesturing to the bat.

"Me? What are you doing?" He yelled back, lowering the bat. "You scared the shit out of me. There is a thing called knocking." He breathed out.

"I'm sorry. I needed to talk to you." I said looking him in the eye.

"Yeah, come in." He said and opened his door all the way.

I waited until we were both in his room before speaking, and at the same time I decided to talk, Luke did as well.

"I'm sorry-"
"I'm sorry-"

"Shit, you go." He insisted.

"I, um." I cleared my throat. "I'm sorry I acted like a jackass and left you. I shoudln't have and I am so, so sorry."

"I'm sorry for being a jackass as well." He declared and sat on his bed, waiting for me to sit on it also. "You're your own person, just because we, you know." He paused to move his eyebrows up and down. "Doesn't mean shit."

My mouth dropped slightly at his hurtful comment.
"No, no!" He quickly said. "I didn't mean it like 'it didn't mean shit to me' because it did, a whole lot. I mean that you shouldn't feel pressured to do shit because of me and-"

"I get it." I said. "I really needed to see you, the most random thing just happened." I explained and looked around his room. I spotted his familiar wallet and phone that was sitting on his beside table, much like it was on mine before I left.

"You got your phone and wallet back?" I asked, getting side tracked.

"Yeah, I um. You left so a couple days after I went to your house and asked your dad for it. Sorry, I had important shit on it." He said. "But if it makes you feel any better he grilled me for a whole hour on contemporary American novels."

"Right." I smiled and turned my attention back to him.

"You were saying?" He asked, grabbing a pillow to put on top of his stomach.

"My mum." I said.

"What about her?"

"She showed up." I said casually.

"At your house?" He gaped. "When?"

"Just then. When she blurted it out I took one last look at her before bolting for the door. I ran to you because, I don't know. You're the only person I thought of. The only person I think of really."

He smirked a bit before licking his lips and talking. "You know, I think about you too."

"Oh really?" I questioned. He made me forget about her, about everything. It's like when we were together the whole world stopped and when we were apart it spun out of control.

"Really." He nodded and smiled. "So what are you going to do about her? You going to talk or-"

"I don't wanna talk about her anymore." I said, wanting to focus the conversation on us. I was a sucker when he talked all mushy.

"Then what do you want to talk about? You came here to talk about her right?"

"I wanna talk about us." I blurted out. Wondering about us was driving me crazy. "I mean, if there even is an 'us' anymore? When I left I kind of ruined a lot of things and I'm-"

"You already apologised." He laughed. "Of course there's an 'us'." He said and pushed me back on the bed, sitting on top of me. "Who would I be without you, Dylan Miller?"

"Seriously Luke get off you're-" I laughed out as he began tickling me.

"You don't know?" He gasped sarcastically. "Well then I'll tell you." He said and continued to tickle me.

"Luke-" I began to yell as all the blood rushed to my head. He stopped tickling me and propped his arms up so that our faces were visible to one another.

"Not myself." He said and kissed my nose.

"Ew." I squirmed underneath him.

"Ew?" He asked, sounding defended. "I was about to declare my love for you, but instead you call me ew?"

"Love?" I choked out. Love? I had no recollection of the word. I always knew that I loved Luke, but real love? Like Darcy and Elizabeth love?

Luke cleared his throat, closed his eyes and inhaled a big breath.
"In vain, I have struggled." He began to say as his eyes opened and landed on mine.

"Oh god." I mumbled. He was pulling a Mr Darcy. Shit.

"It will not do. My feeling will not be repressed." He continued. I had to hold back from laughing or even worse, crying. "You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you."

"Luke." I said, my eyes getting watery. What can I say? I was a sucker for Darcy.

"Now that I got that out of the way, I'll say it in my own words." He said, looking me in the eyes once more. "I love you Dylan. So much."

I didn't know if I could say it back, so I smiled and answered sarcastically.
"Very original."

He laughed and it was as if he already knew that I felt the same. As if he needed no conformation about it. He leant in and kissed me, so I kissed him back. This went on a couple of seconds before we broke the kiss to catch our breaths.

"I love you." I whispered to him and felt him smile as he continued to kiss me. We then carried on, ending the perfect night the perfect way.

I had never felt safer than I did then and there. In Luke's arms where I belonged.


When I woke up in the morning with Luke by my side, he had made it evident that his parents weren't there. I didn't want to press him about the subject, so I nodded and acted as if it was normal.

I eventually had to go home, so I walked with Luke. Having him by my side every step of the way made it easier to come to terms with everything that was going on. As long as I had him, I was going to be okay.

I reached my house, kissed Luke goodbye and watched him make his way to Michae'l's. I stood outside my door thinking about her. I saw no car so she shouldn't be here. I shoudln't feeling nervous about entering my own house, that was ridiculous.

I walked in, shutting the door behind me and making my way to the lounge room to find Dad. I had ran out last night and he would've been worried sick. The first face I spotted wasn't his, but hers.

It was as if all the courage and easiness that Luke had helped me build up was gone when I saw her. As if she made me feel weak. It was stupid at how angry a woman I didn't even know made me feel at the thought of her.

I ran straight up to my room, giving up on looking for Dad. I got in my room, opened my curtains and proceeded to dive onto my bed. I was seconds away from the 'diving' part when I noticed something. Something orange.

At first the orange object on my bed hissed at me when I hit it with my pillow, causing me to loose my shit. "Dad!" I screamed out at the top of my lungs, not wanting to move just in case the thing followed me.

"Dylan?" He rushed in a few seconds after I had screamed.

"There's a thing!" I yelled. "On my bed!"

"Dylan." My dad said seriously. "It's yours."

"My what?" I asked confused. He then made his way over to the thing and picked it up, revealing a cat like body shape.

"That was a cat disguised as a fucking monster." I insist.

"Surprise." Dad said high pitched, as if the surprise had failed. "You were supposed to get him last night but you kind of ran out."

"Crap. Sorry Dad I went to-"

"Yeah I know." He shrugged and handed me the cat.  "I called your friend Michael and he said you were at his, I figured you needed some space."

"Dad, I can't talk to her. Not yet."

"I understand, and so does she. In the mean time just focus on finishing year 11 and raising that cat." He said and pointed to the ginger before exiting the room leaving me and the furry animal. I picked him up and faced him towards me, deciding on the perfect name.

"I shall name you, Kitty."


(Hey guys thank you so much for the 10,000+ reads that's so cool. Sorry about not updating that often but we've had school and the other books which you should check out also. Kitty is also pride and prejudice related, sorry ahaha But thank you again and don't forget to comment and stuff we really wanna know what you guys are thinking!)

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