Chapter 10

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"No, you divide by 6, not 8." Calum sighs, sounding defeated with my progress, or lack-there of. He gently drops his pencil to the desk, trying not to let too much annoyance show. I erase my previous mistakes and give the equation another go, earning a smile from Calum when I produce the correct answer. I continue onto the next question, hoping I can keep my winning streak for a few more equations. 

"Hey, um listen." Calum says quietly, shuffling in his seat beside me. "There's this thing tonight - a party thing. I didn't know if parties were your thing or not, but I'm taking a leap of faith by asking if maybe to wanted to go?" His voice grows quiet, and he squeaks out, "-with me?" I chuckle quietly at his nervousness. "Just as friends, of course." He quickly adds. 

I stay silent and pick up my pencil, writing a large 'YES' on the paper in front of us. His grin expands as he reads the letters and a new found confidence ignites within him.

"It starts in a couple of hours. We could finish this sheet and then go together perhaps?" I nod and continue on with my work sheet, wanting to get it done as soon as possible.  


The only daunting aspect of my first real party would be trying to convince my dad to let me go. I wasn't sure how to go about seeking his permission, but figured honesty would be the best option. I pad down the hall in the direction of his office, making a mental list of all the benefits and party could offer: socializing, experience that could be used in future novels, and the opportunity to test my boundaries. 

"Hey Dad." I whisper, gently knocking on the door of his study. I wait a few moments before walking in. 

"What's up Dyl?" He asks, keeping his eyes glued to the page of a book he is holding. 

"I have a question ..." I pause, waiting for a cautious reaction. He doesn't say anything, so I am forced to continue on with my plea. "Could I maybe go to a party tonight? I was invited by some friends from school-"

"Finally." He sighs, placing a bookmark in his novel and putting it on his desk.

"I'm sorry, what did you say? I can go?" I say, sounding astonished. "No interrogation? No warnings? No questions?" I am slightly disappointed by his eager acceptance. I was hoping for warnings, some sort of overbearing, fatherly speech. 

"If you wanted an interrogation, all you had to do was ask." He grins back, about to spew a speech I'm sure has been well rehearsed. "Are you going to be drinking?" I shake my head as a reply. I've never had a proper drink before so I don't think I'll be starting tonight. "Are you going to be doing drugs?" He asks further. 

"No!" I exclaim. "I'm not stupid!" He nods but continues nonetheless.

"Going to have sex?"

"No!" I scream, covering my face with my hands, absolutely mortified by the comment. 

"Then why are you even going?" He laughs in my face, making me realize how much of a joke his interrogation was. I roll my eyes and make my way of of his study just as he picks his book back up and resumes his reading. 

"Don't stay out too late!" I hear him yell from down the hall. "And don't have too much fun without me!" I roll my eyes for a second time and enter my room. When I do, I find Calum near my bookshelf, running his fingers over my very-filled bookshelf.

"You know," he pipes up when he notices my presence. "You remind me a lot of Luke." Surprised by his comment I scoff, not quite understanding.

"With the books I mean, the reading ." He adds, thinking he offended me. "You ready?" He quickly changes the subject and turns to face me.

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