Chapter 20

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"These tutoring sessions are really paying off." I smile at Calum who was chewing on the end of his pencil.

"Kinda...." He chuckles.

"We still have a lot to cover Dyl."

"Next time?" I question, hoping we could take a break.

He nods as I get up to get snacks from the kitchen.

"Hey, listen." He says quietly as I sit down, passing him the packet of Doritos.

I look up at him, telling him to go on.

"You, um-you didn't, um. You, I mean you probably didn't but, um-"

"Spit it out Hood."

"Did you sleep with Luke?" He asked awkwardly, looking at the Dorito packet in front of him.

"Slept, yes."

His mouth and eyes widened.

"Oh, no! Calum, like no. I didn't have sex with him. God no." I blurt out after realising what he was thinking.

"Oh, aha." He chuckled to himself.

"Why would you think that?"

"It's just, I don't know. You guys went home together and stuff..."

"No, no, no. Don't worry." I assure him.

His face was still hard, like he was angry about something.

"Listen, there's something you should know about Luke-" He whispered just as my dad entered the room.

"Dinner!" He yelled, not noticing Calum until a second later.

"Oh, stay if you wish." He added.

Calum smiled and followed my dad into the kitchen.

I knew he was easily intimidated by him, but wanted to be as polite as possible.


"So, movie tonight, your pick?" Repeated Matt on the other end of the phone.

"Yes, Matt I'll see you when my shift finishes."

"See you then." He replied as I ended the call.

"Shit." I mumbled under my breath, realising Michael would probably be out the front of my house by now waiting for me.

I raced downstairs, pick up my bag and run past dad.

"Hey, hey wait up kiddo." He laughed as he grabbed my wrist.

"dad, I'll be late!" I try to squirm out of his hold.

"What about taco Saturdays? You'll be home tonight right?"


"I-um, I already made plans." I coughed out

His face fell sad.

"I can cancel if you want." I said smiling, feeling beyond guilty.

"No, no. You go out, be a teenager." He forced a smile.

I ran to the door, and opened it before shouting,

"Don't wait up!"

By the time I reached Michael I could barely breath.

"Late again Miller." He tried to act serious.

"Sorry, was talking to Dad."

"Just get in." He laughed.

It took no longer than 5 minutes to reach the small diner.

"Gran, we're here!" Michael shouted as he entered the door of 'Sues Diner', taking my bag to take to the locker room so that I could start straight away.

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