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I stormed into Atlantis' office only to find it empty. There was no trace of his usual holographic, incorporeal body. However, while the room is free of Atlantis' presence, I could smell and hear another person's presence.

"Your scent betrayed you, Apocalypse. Quit playing with your invisibility," I remarked and head to the door. However, when I was about to walk out of the office, Apocalypse revealed himself sitting on one of the leather couches.

His invisibility relies on his ability to alter the trajectory of photons- the packets of light energy.

"You really know my scent eh?" he said with a smirk which I would like to punch away. His narrowed eyes added to my agitation. "Do you like how I smell, Castle?"

I made a hard face- clearly showing that I am not amused. "You stink."

He made a pout. I don't know why did he have to do that but, honestly, it didn't suit him. "Aw. Stop denying. I won't laugh if you admit it," he chuckled at the end of his sentence.

As a response to his teasing, a scalpel pierced the area of the couch in between his thighs. The alarmed look on his face offered a bit of satisfaction. I know his ability's weaknesses- shiny and transparent objects. Basically, shiny objects reflect light. Transparent object just let light pass through them. Thus, no matter how strong the light is, shiny objects will only reflect it and transparent objects will just let it pass. For that reason, I have special scalpels made from highly reflective material.

"You almost hit my goodies!"

"Keep annoying me and the next one won't miss. I assure you," I tried to make a pathetic smirk out of the thin line of my lips but to no avail. "And if you're thinking that you can stop my scalpels with your ability, think again. My scalpels are made to be more luminous than normal ones. They will just reflect your light.

He made a disbelieving expression. "You went that far just to make sure that you can easily kill me?" he shrieked.

I just rolled my eyes and proceeded to the door just in time for Atlantis' hologram to form seated on the swivel chair behind his table.

"Oh! Hi! Hi! Hi! Why are you two here?" the bespectacled guy asked as his hologram was becoming more and more real-like. It seemed he was done being too obsessed with the blue laser holographic style and decided to come up with a more realistic one. "Sorry about my absence. I was in a meeting with the upper ups, yah know."

I faced him with a frown. "First: Apocalypse. Next: Valkyrie and Olympus. Why are you sending all of these clowns with very low work ethics here? I believe I deserve an explanation, Atlantis."

"Hey! I'm not a clown!" Hierophant objected but I paid no attention to his rants.

"That will be discussed later during our meeting," the hologram answered. "However, since you're already here, Castle." Atlantis grew silent for a moment. "There is another thing that I am intending to tell you in private," said the hologram and side glanced at Apocalypse.

"Hey, I'm part of the team too!" the yellow-haired protested to which Atlantis just sighed.

"I'm afraid this concern is exclusive to Castle, Trieze." Atlantis threw Apocalypse a piercing gaze.

"Fine. Fine. Wakatteru," he frowned and got up from his seat. "Ja!" With that, he left the room by normal means.

"Ja. Bye! Bye!" Atlantis waved the yellow-haired cosplayer away.

It somehow intrigued me how Atlantis was able to command Apocalypse who, along with Valkyrie and Olympus, has the lowest work ethics grade and can't be controlled even by the higher ups.

Artificial Organisms: HierophantTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon