Artificial Organisms: Hierophant

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I am, by nature, an immortal man.

I can live for an infinite number of years. I don’t grow old. I live and live and live on- until someone manages to kill me. Quite confusing, right? I am immortal yet I can be killed. Well, that’s how being immortal by nature means. I don’t die of natural causes- diseases, poisons or old age. I must be deliberately killed to die.

No, I’m not a vampire. I don’t suck blood nor shy away from the sun just because I sparkle or burn. Magic doesn’t have anything to do with my immortality. Science does.

You see, I am a genetically engineered human being- a genetically modified organism, as others might say. I am made up of all the desirable genes that humans have and more, thus granting me abilities that far exceed natural human capabilities. I even have genes from animals and plants incorporated into my gene pool.

I am a transgenic human, so to say.

I doubt if I can still be considered human at all. Let’s just put it like this- I am the perfect human being or at least, perfect in the eyes of my creators. I am a step higher than being your regular human being.

I am human kind's future.

I am...


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