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The irony was in order to create one immortal being, my creators, the creators of the prototype me rather, have to experiment on and, in the process, kill thousands of people- mainly Jews. How were they able to experiment on a vast number of people without actually being hindered by the law? Well, the main reason was because the experiments were sanctioned by a regime- the Nazis.

Unlike those fictional immortal beings that had lived for a very long expanse of time, I've been walking this Earth for only a few years. I am only in my tenth year of existence but don't mistake me for a child. My body's appearance was already that of a seventeen-year-old kid when I was released from the tank that acted as an artificial womb where I developed. I even looked younger.

Although my appearance was that of a teenager, don't expect me to act like one. Mentally, I am already about twenty-five years old. My mind developed faster but, unlike that of normal humans, my mental capacity can only get better and better as years go by. Attribute that to my inability to undergo senescence. I don't grow old like I said before and so I don't suffer from old-age diseases like dementia and such.

My appearance has another advantage aside from not needing to worry about wrinkles and sagging skin- not like I really worry about them. It allowed me to go to senior high school and college repeatedly. Now, I won't say that it's really a good thing since many teenage kids hate school but being a student has been my cover up identity in many of the assignments that I did. And I think I'll still be using such identity in my future assignments, assignments that took me to many places just like now. I have recently been assigned to investigate a series of strange events in the city of Manila, Philippines.

The weather was quite gloomy when I arrived at the airport. I was expecting to be greeted by a hot and humid weather as I expected from a tropical country. Unfortunately, I was quite disappointed.

I exited the doors of the airport and got into one of the waiting cabs. I already had the UNSC-SDD, United Nations Security Council- Secret Defence Department, the organization I am working for, arrange where on this city I will stay. All I have to do was to do my job and investigate about these several incidents of disappearances that have been happening recently.

Now why would an international organization be on the prowl to investigate these disappearances? Surely the local government can take care of it. We couldn't have been even more uninterested if not for a CCTV footage of a man disintegrating in thin air without a trace while he was being held on his neck by another man. He just disappeared without a trace- not even a dust. That placed the incidence here in Manila under UNSC-SDD's eye. So I was sent to investigate and if possible, capture that man who has been caught in the footage holding the victim before he disintegrated.

"Get me to this address," I told the driver and handed him a piece of paper where the address of the house where I'll be staying was written.

"Okay, Sir," the driver affirmed and hit the road.

To kill time, I took out my phone and read the reports done by some of our intelligence officers who already did some preliminary investigations. A total of twelve people- ten men and two women, were gone in just a week. All of them disappeared without any trace and about three of them were caught disintegrating on cam while being held by another man. We assume that the man who has been holding the victims in the three videos was the same. So far, there's only one common among the twelve victims- all of them were drug lords and belong to a drug syndicate named Crimson Hawk, one of the biggest drug syndicates in Asia and in the US.

My reading was disturbed by the sudden stoppage of the cab. Looking out of the window, I realized that we're already in a rather deserted street. "Where are w-" I was going to ask the driver but was surprise by a gun being aimed at me by the driver. I raised my eyebrow. "Is this a joke?" I asked rather monotonously.

Artificial Organisms: HierophantTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon