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A big man rose from the sea with a trident in his hand, looking around to see if anyone was watching. He then turned into human sized and walked down the street. He had a hoodie on to hide his true identity. The man walked up the stairs to the top of the Empire Sate Building and found another man looking at the sky. The man came up to the other man and cleared his throat, making his presence known. He said, in greeting, "Zeus." The other man greeted, "Poseidon." Poseidon said to his brother, looking at the sky, "I see that it's a stormy night tonight." Zeus replied, gravely, "Yes, but look at the sky. No lightning. Someone has stolen my lightning bolt. It seems a Jackson has stolen it."

Poseidon shoved his brother against the wall out of anger, defending his son and his son's friend. He growled to his brother, "If you so much as touch my son or his friend........" Zeus said, "I will not harm your son or his friend, who just so happens to be my daughter. He has until the summer solstice to return it to me or there will be war. And if he has grown an love interest in my daughter or harms her in anyway, I won't be so forgiving." Poseidon watched as his brother burst the doors open to the stairway that led to Mt. Olympus and walked towards Mt. Olympus. Poseidon turned back to the sea and disappeared in a whirlpool of water.
A twelve year old boy with black hair swam in the water with a girl his age but with blonde hair smiling at each other. Their names were Percy Jackson and Eleanor Roberts, or Ellie as she is called by others, and they're about to face the adventure of a lifetime. Ellie smiled at her best friend then swam to the surface to catch a breath with her friend following in suite. A voice said to the two friends, startling them, "They're alive! Percy Jackson and Eleanor Roberts are the beasts, man! Whoo!" Percy placed his hands on his best friend's waist and helped her onto the railing, with her hands on his shoulders. Ellie said to their friend, turning to the boy with a smile, "So, what was the record this time, Grover?" Grover replied, grinning, "Ten minutes, Ellie." Percy said, turning to look at Ellie, "Ten minutes? That's a new record." Grover asked the two, with a look of astonishment, "How do you do it?" Ellie said, drying her hair off with a towel, "I guess we just like being in the water. It's the only place we can think." Ellie grabbed Percy's wrist to look at his watch and said, "Crap! I have trumpet lessons with my band teacher in ten minutes!"

She ran to the girl's bathroom to dry off and change. Grover looked at Percy who watched Ellie with a look of longing, chuckling. Percy turned to Grover and said to him, "What's so funny?" Grover replied, "Nothing. Why don't you go after her? You know what I mean." Percy shaked his head and said "No way, dude. We're just friends." Grover said to Percy, "You've known each other since birth, man. You should definitely ask her out. She's perfect for you, Perc. Trust me. I know love when I see it. I'm not blind." Percy just rolled his sea blue eyes and turned to see his friend now in a blue tie dye dress and flip-flops with her hair dried. He said to her, "That's a pretty dress. Did you take a shower?" Ellie nodded with a smile as she twirled in her dress and replied, "Well, yeah. I didn't want to go to my trumpet lesson smelling like pool water. My mom, stepdad, and I went shopping last week for new clothes. You ready? I don't want to be late for Pre Algebra."

The trio walked into their school on time with their backpacks but they stopped when they heard someone calling their names. It was Adriana, or Adria for short, one of Ellie's close friends. Even when they couldn't read well, Adriana still was their friend and helped them to read it. Ellie was basically the popular girl in the school but she didn't let that get to her head. As they walked to their history class, Percy sighed as everyone greeted Ellie. Grover's words about asking Ellie out still rang through his mind. Adriana noticed and whispered to Percy, "You ok, Perc?" Percy shakes his head, snapping out of his thoughts, and replied ,"Yeah, I'm fine." He watched as Grover picked Ellie off the ground, causing her to squeal and laugh, as he spun her around. The quad walked towards their Pre Algebra class and sat down in their seats just before their teacher, Mrs. Dodds, walked in. Truth to be told, she scared the crap out of them. Apparently, she favored the popular kids more than the four friends.

Percy and Ellie sat together (since the table could only seat two) while Adriana sat with Grover behind them. Ellie could read the board pretty well but it was the last part of equation that confused her. Percy watched as his friend took notes but his thoughts were once again interrupted. Mrs. Dodds said to the class, "Can anyone tell me what the squared root of 100 is? Anyone? *Her eyes fell on Ellie and Percy* Eleanor, Percy; can one of you tell me what the squared root of 100 is?" Percy shaked his head and replied, "I don't know." Eleanor said, nervous that her friend would get in trouble again, "I do. It's ten. The squared root of 100 is 10." Mrs. Dodds said to the blonde-haired girl, who looked at her nervously, "Very good, Eleanor. That is correct." The bell rang causing everyone to rush out of the room so they wouldn't have to face the wrath of their teacher.

Ellie walked towards her locker to put her algebra book up but she was stopped by a couple football jocks, one of them slammed her locker door, startling her. She said, not turning to look, "Daniel, for the last time, I still won't be your girlfriend. I'm sorry but you're just not my type." From afar; Percy, Grover, and Adrianna watched the scene unfold as their friend unsuccessfully tries to defend herself. That was when Percy walked over to defend his best friend. He said to Daniel, separating him from Eleanor, "Leave her alone, Daniel. She denied your asking to be her boyfriend. Just take no for an answer." Daniel, however, wouldn't take an answer and began to tease Percy for standing up for Ellie. When Percy tried to take a punch at the football jock, Ellie placed her hand on her best friend's shoulder pulling him away from the other boy. Ellie said to Percy, as he scowled at Daniel, "Percy, don't let him press your buttons. Just calm down and look at me." Daniel chuckled evilly at the two friends and said to his 'friends', "Oh, look at this, fellas. Now, Ellie's standing up for the runt. What is he to you? Your boyfriend?" Eleanor tried to calm down but that time she punched Daniel square in the jaw and then kicked him in his gut causing everyone to back away from her and Percy. She snapped at the jocks, "If you would just take a moment to know me, you would see why I hang out with Percy, Grover, and Adriana. I may be popular but I don't let it get to my head unlike you jerks and idiots. Percy is the most kindest, loyalest, trustworthy, noblest, and honorable friend I have ever met. I wouldn't trade him for anything. So, if you don't want to get hurt even worse, I suggest you scram or next time it wouldn't be my fist going to your face. Now, scat!" All the jocks ran from the girl, scared to get punch but they got the message. Adriana, Grover, and Percy all stared at their friend with shock and awe on their faces.

Percy Jackson: The Lightning Bolt Thief: Love Conquers All (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now