Chapter 7: Little Trouble? More like BIG Trouble

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The next day, the group of four walked through the park until they made it to what seemed like an Ancient Greek tourist hotspot. Ellie, just like Adriana and Percy, had sunglasses on and said to her friends, once they walked into the museum, "Ok, this is going to be a tough one. How are we supposed to find the second pearl without looking suspicious when there is a bunch of tourists around?" Adriana replied to Ellie, "We could wait until dark when everyone is gone. But, don't worry......... I have a plan." Ellie muttered underneath her breath, only for Percy to hear, "What does she know about having a plan?" Percy let out a snort, causing Ellie to giggle. Percy looked at his girlfriend, who smiled at him and smiled back. Adriana turned her head around to see Percy talking to Ellie. She then noticed that he took Ellie's hand into his own. She thought to herself, 'No........ they couldn't be dating. Could they?'

Later that night, the group returned to the museum after getting a few supplies that they might need. Percy crouched down by Ellie as she sat her duffle bag on the ground and whispered to her, "Ok, what's the plan to get past those guys?" Adriana and Grover crouched down on the other side of Ellie as she got a straw out then a small ball of paper (which had a dose of substance that she created herself and it could make anyone, including Greek monsters, go unconscious for an hour). Grover whispered to Ellie, "Spitball, Ellie? Really? That's old school." Ellie whispered to Grover, "You're gonna thank me for this later when we get the second pearl." She brought the draw to her lips just after putting a paper ball in there and blew. The ball went straight to one of the janitors' neck and fell to the ground, unconscious. Adriana handed Ellie another one and watched as all of the janitors fell unconscious. Percy and Grover gasped in horror and placed their hands over their mouths in horror. Ellie rolled her eyes at the two boys and whispered to them, "They're not dead, guys. Just unconscious. And they'll be that way for an hour if you want them to stay that way while we're looking for the pearl!" Percy, Adriana, and Grover raised their arms in defense as Eleanor stood up with her sword in her hands. She went to her duffle bag and grabbed a pair of flying shoes. She then grabbed her laptop and skyped Luke. Luke said cheerfully "Ellie!" Ellie replied, with a smirk, "Luke! Hey, how do you get the flying shoes to work?" Luke said, as Ellie placed the shoes on her feet, "It's just like a plane kicking off a runway but it will take some practice." Adriana closed her friend's laptop and watched as Ellie stood up. Ellie took a deep breath, before getting in a running position, and kicked off in the air.

She flew towards Athena's statue and grabbed the pearl. Percy watched as his girlfriend landed on the ground gracefully and smiled at Ellie. He said to Ellie, "I knew you could do it." Ellie grinned at her boyfriend as he leaned towards her for a kiss but she stopped him. Percy looked at her with a questioning look then looked over to Adriana and Grover who smirked at them. Before he could explain to his other two friends, five janitors from before said to Percy and Ellie, "Percy Jackson and Eleanor Roberts! Give us the lightning bolt!!" Percy placed his hand over his girlfriend's mouth to keep her from saying a snappy remark. He turned to the others and shouted, as the janitors emerged into a hydra, "Run!!!" Ellie ran and grabbed her sword and duffle bag. She hid behind a pillar with Percy right in behind her and yelped, just as fire surrounded her and Percy. She always had a fear of fire but she could tolerate it as long as it didn't get too close to her. Ellie shouted to Grover and Adriana, "You two get out of here and get to the truck!! Percy and I will hold them off!" Adriana reluctantly ran with Grover, she didn't want to leave her two friends behind.

Before Percy and Ellie arrived at camp and before she met the two, Adriana was always considered as an odd ball of the camp. No one trusted her since her father was considered as the trickster and prankster of the gods. Everyone trusted her brother more which made her a little jealous. She then later proved herself worthy to be friends with everyone. When she met the two, she knew that she belonged somewhere. Adriana said to Grover, "Grover, we can't just leave them there! It's practically their death sentence!!" Grover replied, grabbing Medusa's chopped off head from the truck, "Did you really think that I was going to listen to Ellie?" Adriana and Grover ran back into the building, only to find Ellie and Percy cornered by the hydra. Grover jumped in front of his two friends and took the shades off of Medusa's chopped off head causing the hydra to turn to stone. Ellie screamed as a blaze of fire came towards her and her boyfriend. She looked to see the hydra turning into stone. Percy high fived Grover after the hydra had turned completely into stone. Adriana said to Ellie, giving her a hug, "Thank the gods! I was so worried about you two! Do you have the pearl?" Ellie held her hand out showing the second pearl then Percy gave Ellie the first pearl. Ellie said, with a grin, "Two down and three more to go."

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