untitled part 1

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A/n the only changes I've made in this chapter is in the second little message Sorano's mother left her.


Life will never just be easy for anyone. It does not matter who you are, where you were born, whom you were born from, nothing of that will matter if it was just between life or death. If it was between survival of the fitness because a corpse is just a corpse and a target is just a target.

Just like if someone is being rude to you, no matter what they're rank is. Even if it was the Hokage himself or a prince of some big kingdom. It does not change the fact that being rude is being rude.

Now if your reading this baby, I'm sorry. I'm sorry you had to go through so much just to take care of me. Just to take care of yourself and as a mother I have failed. I should have been the one out there bringing food, water, and medicine for you. I didn't expect to live this long but I'm glad you kept me alive because with the last of my strength I was able to finish this book. This holds everything you have to know about yourself, your father and me. This will give you answers you've always been asking but I have simply ignored. I love you my beautiful  daughter. 

Now your first task and if you want to be able to see what I've written  in these pages. Go to our home town. Once you arrive at the gates the words on the next page should appear and you will know what to do from then.


                                                                      With love,
                                                                     Naomi  Hatsu  ♡

The sound of the crumbling dirt beneath her bare feet as she dragged them along the dirt path. Kicking little pebbles left and right the young girl stopped in her tracks. Her eyes wondered up and down the big red and green gate, a small smile appeared on her taned face.

"I'm finally here", she mumbled as sweat rolled down her cheek and dropped off of her chin.

As she continued to drag her feet getting closer to the entrance the guards spotted her. Her small framed body in the burning sun, she looks as if she was belly dancing from a distance because of the heat waves. The guards strain to see her, her appearance wasn't so pleasant. From afar you can see the thick layer of dirt on her skin, the torn up shirt that looked like the color used to be a light grey but instead it was a mucky brown. The shorts she wore were too big and looked like it had a 1000 different stains on it.

"Ah she fell", one of the guards said as the girl indeed drop to the ground.

Her face started to lightly burn as the ground was hot and tiny pebbles digged into her skin.

"I'll go get her and bring her to the hospital. She's a kid so I'm sure it'll be fine", the other guard said as he walked up to the girl.

On a closer view you could see scratches and bruises on her legs, arms, feet and hands. The bottom of her feet was a mix of black and brown from dried blood. The guard picked her up and threw her over his shoulder, he noticed several  different scars on her right bottom half of her leg. Four long deep jagged lines that ran from her knee to her ankle. She must have been attacked by a bear a long time ago, the guard thought. And Damm she needs a bath.

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