Titled part 6: The beginning of the sky

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Sorano woke up to the sound of her alarm. With a groggy groan she rolled over and turned off the alarm. The sun shined through the window and peaked in between the gaps of the blinds, the light shined on Sorano's face and room. You could see the few freckles she had on her pale small face, her eyelashes were long and curled up. She looked like a sleeping beauty, she wished she was too so she could sleep longer. But she knew she had to get up, she flickered her eyes open and squinted with the sun in her eyes. She muttered a few words, something along the lines 'fuck me this shit is too early'.

Her attitude towards school hasn't changed throughout the year but her attitude towards how early she had to get up, how she couldn't wear certain things, how there were too many stupid rules like how you couldn't eat in class, you had to stand in a straight line, things had to be done this way or that way, it had to be done exactly how they wanted you to do it was what she hated. It was her first and last school year and she felt like a puppy that had to obey. Not only that but as her teacher Iruka gave her outside lessons so she could catch up in the beginning of the year made her despise what a ninja was supposed to be.

Follow the rules without questions.

She hated that, but no matter what she will become one. Maybe just not a perfect one, not one that had to follow the rules, not one that had to do the mission exactly how they tell her too, not one that will just aimlessly kill for the reason because she was given the mission. No, she will pick and choose the mission that will be given and will tell the Hokage if she felt comfortable with doing it, not just obey without a word.

She rolled out of bed and her eyes look around and see her styled room. She remembered how plain and dull it looked in the beginning of the year but now it was all personalized. Her bed sheets and pillow cases were black, but the other side of her big black fluffy blanket was blue.

Her walls were filled with her new found hobby, drawing. The two walls her twin sized bed was pushed against by the window was a baby blue with fluffy clouds. The wall on the opposite side were her desk was pushed against and the one where her walk in closet was the one filled with graffiti letters, girls naked or partly naked, manga styled  samurai & ninjas, with watermelons, pineapple, ect. Everything she liked she drew on her walls. With a few plants, posters, and decorative swords hanged up.

Her feet dangled from the side of the bed. Her eyes trailed down from her thick thighs to her rough, beaten up hands. The corner of her mouth twitched into a little smile, the graduation test was today. She has grown so much stronger compared from the beginning of the year, her heart ached with the thought of her mother.

She remembered after 4 months she finally broke, she finally cried, she finally realized that she really was gone. That night felt like only yesterday to her.

The day was like any other. At school Sorano and Naruto would be goofing off in class and she would tease Sasuke along with Naruto, try to wake up the sleeping Shikamaru, take Choji's chips and kidnap Akamaru from Kiba.

Class ended and now it was time to go train with Sasuke. She never told Sasuke this but, she comes back at night and trains even more so she could beat him one day. That was the day she finally did beat him, they were both on the ground gasping for air like the first night. She caught up on her studies a long time ago, now only just being secomd best in class. Now she finally beat Sasuke in Tai jutsu too.

The Beginning Of The Sky (Naruto Fanfiction) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now