untitled part 5

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I'm late
I'm late
Holy shit good job Sorano
Your late.

Sorano kept repeating this in her head as she quickly ran to school. She didn't wake up on time... or well she just slept over her alarm clock and for a few minutes she forgot she went to school.

She forgets things a lot.

A trail of dust was left behind her as she ran on the dirt path through the crowds, pushing her way threw. she accidentally tackled someone who wasn't paying attentiom and thought he would move when she yelled, 'in comimg!' They both landed onto the ground but the person under her cushioned her fall. She pushed herself up and looked into a pair of purple ghost like eyes. He's from the Hyuga Clan, Sorano thought then got up quickly.

"You dirty brat!", the boy yelled before she could apologize.

What the fuck accidents happens, She thought as the boy pissed her off with his high and mighty attitude.

"Says the one actually covered in dirt", Sorano said as she quickly flipped him off and continued to run to school.

What a fucking asshole,She felt irritated at how the boy reacted. She arrived in front of her classroom with minutes to spare.

thank kami

Without a second thought she push open the already slightly opened door. As she walked through the door frame a cold, thick, past and what smelt like paint covered her from head to toe.

Sorano clenched her fist and grinned her teeth as she stared at three girls who stood in front of her a few feet away laughing like the rest of the class. Sorano glared at them and she shook with anger. She normally never had a short fuse but she was already ticked off by the guy from eariler and running here didn't help either.

"You did this?", Sorano said with a smile as she laughed and pressed her lips into a thin line then bit her bottom lip still laughing.

"Sasuke is everyone's. Don't get all cocky just cause you're new. The only reason why he talks to you is because he's pitying the street rat." The same brown headed girl from yesterday said with a smug grin.

That's it, Sorano thought as she had enough. At that moment she pounced onto the girl and pinned her down onto the ground. The back of her head hit the floor roughly. She could tell by the loud thug sound it made. The girl watched as Sorano pulled back her arm and held tightly onto the collar of her shirt.

"W-wait!" The girl yelled but what the fuck did she think this is?

Sorano doesn't wait, she's impatient. Sorano's fist made contact with her small face but she did not stop there. She was angry, she was mad, she was fucking pissed off. She never did shit to this girl. Not only that but the girl was stupid. She did this all because of a boy? I'm covered in fucking paint because of some petty 'Sasuke is everyone's' crap? He's a fucking person and I am too, I don't deserve to be ignored and out casted because of something this fucking stupid.

She continued to pound her face, punching it over and over and over again. Sakura tried to stop her as Ino just stood there and begged for her to stop.

Her friends aren't even doing shit. If both of the tried they could probably fucking pull me off. Shit the whole class isn't doing anything but just watching. They could all stop me but they choose to be fuckin useless. I fucking. Hate. Useless. People.

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