titled part 8: I am who I am

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Saying that she wasn't just a little disappointed in what her team ended up to be would be a lie. Sorano sat in between Sakura and Naruto, she sits there and just listens to their introductions.

This is just sad...

She thought as Sakura talks about her obsession with Sasuke.

Naruto's thing with ramen is better then her thing with Sasuke

Sorano sighed then laid her back flat on the roof floor. Her eyes staring up at the cloudy sky. Kakashi their Sensei moved onto Sasuke's introduction and he can obviously see how much of an emo he is. Well.. bright side about this team is that the Sensei likes the same books as her. She probably shouldn't read them in front of him... or mention that... or she doesn't even know of it's a bright side. To be honest maybe it's kinda weird.

"Sora!", Naruto calls out for Sorano using her little nickname.

"Uh what?", she sits back up.

"It's your turn"

She sighs trying to debate whether she should be cool and mysterious like her Sensei. Her two closes friends are on her team so the isn't a point.

"Yo.." She looks lazily at her Sensei in his eyes.

"My name is Hatsu Sorano.. Naruto calls me Sora though so since you guys are my team mates call me that too..." Sorano thought for a while.

"well what I like is.. pineapples" She smiles at the thought of pineapples.

"What I dislike would be wasting food and money. My hobbies would be..." Sorano pushes her eyebrows together trying to think about what she actually does and what she likes.

This is hard... I don't think I ever took time to think about these things... Naruto obviously had his ramen and was known to he a trouble maker. Sakura had Sakura and was a fangirl. Sasuke well... was always glaring into the wall and being emo... While me? What's my thing?

"Reading.." Sasuke mumbles loud enough for everyone to hear.

Naruto continues for him "Also training, she never stops. She's either training, reading or she's out in the market trying to find good deals. She has a white board on the door of her room with a list of that months market deals and when they start", Naruto starts to ramble on about her like he knows her like how he knows the back of his hand.

"W-what  the hel-" Sorano was embarrassed and wanted him to stop but then Sasuke started to say something.

"Her room is covered in paintings, drawings, sketches, and graffiti..."

"OK OK! I get it. You guys know me better then I do.." Sorano sighs, "but so those are my hobbies and my dream for the future isn't a dream... just something I have to build up to", Sorano finally finishes her introduction.

Interesting bunch... Kakashi thought as he looked at the four children that was assigned to be his students. Non of his students have ever passed the final test and from what he can see. They will probably be the same as well.

The Uchiha kid already seems too arrogant.. like what I used to be...

Kakashi pushed his thoughts away and now is trying to wrap this whole get to know each other thing quickly.

"tomorrow show up at the training grounds at 5am and I suggest not to eat breakfast" Kakashi says.

Naruto raises his hand and without be called he began to speak, "Why not Kakashi Sensei?!".

The Beginning Of The Sky (Naruto Fanfiction) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now