titled part 7: Secret signs

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You can feel how each and every student in the room was sitting on the edge of their seats just waiting for their name to be called. Sorano sat at the very back of the classroom next to the window as she stared out at the fluffy clouds. In the beginning of the year she would have usually sat next to Sasuke and Naruto but she kinda just detached herself from them. She was still a friendly neighbor towards Naruto, always leaving cooked meals for him in his fridge or help him clean his house once in a while but other then that they didn't talk at school much.

Sasuke was a different story, she felt herself too attached to him. She knew after she became a genin she would immediately set out to find Zabuza  Momochi. She held tightly onto the book that she had in her pouch. Also the most recent addition of Icha Icha Paradise. She was in love with the series now, but she could never read it while in public or she would get weird stares and strange men would hit on her because she was reading the sex filled book.

But she pulled out the Icha Icha Paradise book and read it under the table, waiting for her name to be heard. Iruka Sensei said that the test would the Clone jutsu.

When she was grew in up her mom would tell her to do these hand signs. At first she thought it was just a secret  code between them but once she started studying it was hand signs. She searched high and low on what jutsu those hand signs were and after months of looking through so many jutsu's  it turned out to only be a jounin rank jutsu the Shadow clone jutsu.

She didn't know whether to do that one, get a high score then everyone else or keep it humble and just do as she was told. She debating what to do in her head as she waiting, she barely even noticed when Iruka came out and called her name.

"Hatsu Sorano!"

'The beginning of the sky' She thought as Iruka called her name and she follow him as he walked into the room.

Naruto yelled to me for good luck and I just gave him a smile as I walked inside. Iruka sat at a desk with the assistant teacher she never caught the name of. Sorano stood there with her hands deep in her black ninja pants waiting for Iruka to speak.

"Now Sorano, you have really improved from your first day of school here. I hope you do this successfully, Please make 3 clone jutsu's".

It's better to hide what I'm fully capable of doing

Sorano thought as she proceeded to make 3 clones perfectly. Iruka smiled as he held up a blue ninja head band. Sorano walked up and looked at it, "do you have any uh... black ones?"

Iruka nodded and pulled out a box from underneath  the desk and handed her a black one, she smiled and looked down at the headband. She took a deep breath as she wrapped it around her forehead.

When she walked out of the room through the back door she waited for the book to glow. She waited for a response from the book. She looked down at it, in an area that hid herself from the public. She opened it to the page that told her to make it as a genin but there was no difference. Only the words that she had read over and over again laying across the pages.

"I made it mom... I made it", she whispered and quickly took off her hand band and pushed it against the book. "Look see, I'm one step closer... I'm one step closer", tears started to fall down her face as there was still no response.

Why is nothing happening?

Am I not a genin?

Does it not acknowledge me as a genin?

Maybe I have to find Zabuza first...yes, I'll set out to find him tonight.

The Beginning Of The Sky (Naruto Fanfiction) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now