titled part 9: Possibilities

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*beep beep beep*

Friday morning

"Raise and shine Sorano", Sorano mumbles as she sat up from her bed and swung her legs off of the edge.

She yawned and stretched her back. She heard a few cracks and decided not to take a shower and leave her messy hair down and untamed. Lately the ends of her hair has been starting to curl and she's excited if that means she'll start to have curly hair. She read in a few books that puberty could cause curly hair.

"I want eggs", she says then runs off to her kitchen in only a big baggy shirt.

She knew she was late but by the judge of yesterday and how late her Sensei was meeting his students. He'll probably be late again too.

"Naruto and them are probably already there..."

She thought of bring them some food but she decided not too. I mean everyone knows breakfast is the most important meal of the day, especially to a ninja who moves around a lot.

"Well if they really didn't eat breakfast they're stupid", Sorano shrugs.

After 30 minutes she was fed, dressed and ready to go. Today Sorano decided to wear just a dark green; tight long sleeve shirt with a pair of black ninja pants that were a little baggy on her. Her hair was high up in a ponytail and she was happily dragging a soft fluffy gray blanket.

When she got to the meeting spot she found a snoring Naruto, haft asleep Sakura, and a Sasuke who was looking like he was about to fall asleep and fall off the tree branch he was on.

"Damn. Y'all need sleep", Sorano said as she laid her head on Naruto's lap and curled up into the blanket and fell right asleep with an angry Sakura trying to insult her.

She really wasn't asleep. She couldn't sleep. How could she sleep? Her chest is constantly aching. Every thought that goes in her mind was about the book. About her task. About her father.

Her mother didn't have curly hair. So she got it from her father? Her mother didn't have a nose like hers, or black eyes. So she got those from her father.

As the minutes go by. Sorano's eyes remained closed. Just putting bits and pieces of herself she knew for a fact she didn't get from her mother. Images of the possibilities of what her father looked like stormed her mind. How did he act? How did he think ? Is he tall? Does he not like Chocolate like her too?


The voices of Naruto and Sakura screaming snapped her eyes open. She didn't realize Naruto had took of his jacket and fix it as a pillow for her. She didn't notice how Sasuke was now standing right to the left of her.

She was so focused, so intoned with the thought of the mystery dad that she wasn't acting her normal self. Sorano got up, fixed her hair, and still wrapped herself with the ash gray blanket.

She stared blankly at a squirrel that was eating a nut in a tree while her Sensei was talking about the training that they were going to do. She listened though.

Kind of.

Sasuke and Sakura just ran off and hid somewhere. I'll hide in that tree too.

Oh Sasuke's here too.

"Sasuke what are we supposed to do?" Sorano softly placed herself next to Sasuke trying to not make any noise or movement.

"Take a bell from Sensei" he said as he watched the group idiot try to take on Kakashi by himself.

"It looks like there's only 3 though", Sorano Squints and tries to get a good look at where the bells were at.

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