untitled part 2

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A/n only edit was Noami's letter to the Hokage.

Dear self,

Things change. One day you wake up in an old tent full of wholes; wet, cold, and dirty with your stomach feeling like it's digesting it's self. Then the next day you wake up with a roof under your head in a soft fluffy bed under thick again really soft fluffy blankets with soft fluffy pillows and it smells like lavender instead of sewer. Just note to self: Have hope. If you keep thinking things with change and you reach and fight hard for that change. It will happen.

The ticking of a clock is heard over the silence. Also the rustling of papers and feet scurrying back and forth from one place to another. It was just a basic busy day at the office. People were going in and out of the Hokage's office paying no mind to the little girl. Sorano sits patiently in a wooden chair waiting for someone to notice her but no one did and she simply got sick of it. Well everyone else is just walkin  in and out so I might as well too, she thought with a smile as another adult walks out and she simply slips her small body inside.

The office was big and stuffy. The only person there was a wrinkly old man sitting behind a desk with papers stacked high. The man grumbled as he looked sick and tired of the constant  paper work. She didn't think he had actually noticed her yet as she looked around the room quietly as he worked. Her interest was mainly on the tall shelf full of old dusty books. She read the tilts, they were mainly about the history of the village and a few about the nation but her eyes spotted a thick book that looked older then all the rest. 'The great ninja wars'.

Sorano never had spent a day in school but on raining days the librarian in the closest village by the bridge she lived at would let her get dry clothes in the lost and found. There when she waited for the rain to clear the librarian would teach her how to read and write. Sorano would also spend hours upon hours trying to read every single book in the library. The librarian also let her pick from the books that was old and damage and that her boss told her to just 'toss' to keep. One time she ended up just bringing all of them home and gave them out to the other children who lived in their small community.

She knelt down and slid the book off from the shelf and wiped the dust off. There she sat down and opened the book and began to read. There she read and the Hokage signed papers and read forms for hours till they both heard a growl of someone's stomach.

"Ahh", the old man sat back and stretched his back. He finally looked up from his desk and found Sorano placing two rice balls onto his desk as she already had one stuffed in her mouth.

"Thank you...", he said then began to eat the rice ball with her.

They enjoyed their little snack. He turned his chair and opened a drawer in his desk and pulled out a pipe. As he was about to light it and smoke that's when the Hokage finally realized that a random little girl was in his office. He stopped himself and put the pipe back as Sorano just sat back at the shelf and continued to read the book in her small hands.

"Miss.. Who are you?", he spoke up and Sorano slowly looked up at him first finishing the page she was reading.

"Sorry, I've been here for hours. I was going to tell you once I first got in here but you were busy and then I was going to speak up once you were finished with the paper you were working on then but I kinda just...", her eyes glanced at the old book, "My mother told me she met my dad on the battle field so I got curious when I saw the book and then it turned out to be interesting and I couldn't stop.."

The Hokage listened to girl as she spoke and looked down at the book, he was surprised to see someone actually reading that old thing. Especially a child. He couldn't help but chuckle, "no no its fine. Do you go to the Academy? Are you lost?".

"No I've never been to school and no I'm not lost I'm actually here because my mother passed away a week ago and left me this", Sorano pulled out the book and placed it on his desk. "She told me to come here to the village I was born in and then she told me to tell you everything and I don't really understand what everything is since I don't even know much besides the the letters that's in here"

The Hokage looked at the book and pulled it towards him, he felt a serge of powerful chakra inside of the book. He raised his eyebrows and opened it finding exactly what the girl said that was in there. He read the first page and as he looked at the name he was certainly surprised.

"You're the daughter of Noami Hatsu? Who's your father?"

"Well if you turn the page you'll find that my latest task is to bring this to you. Make you drop some blood at the last page of the book and apparently a letter for you will show then after I'm supposed to find this Zabuza Momo dude and I'll find out. And also listen to whatever you say from that letter you get" Sorano was quite blunt and more talkitive then usual.

She could even admit to herself that she's been acting more calm and just been observing. It wasn't like her but she hasn't cried a single tear since her mother died. When she got her hands on the book and read the first page she left immediately after. She just kept walking and walking and walking for days without stop. The only thing that has really been on her mind was to finish the task that has been given to her.

"Ahh...", the Hokage did as instructed and opened the book till the last page. He cut his finger with a kunai and blood dripped onto the page. There his blood started to boil then soon seeped into the book and disappeared. A few moments passed and the book started to glow and in a bright flash of light an envelope was left sitting up right on the book. It had a red seal with an design of a 3 headed dragon.

"The Hatsu clan's special jutsu", the Hokage smiled, "It has definitely  been a while since I've seen it." He picked up the letter and opened it. 

Third Hokage,
Hiruzen Suratobi

Our clan has always worked as your undercover spies because of our special jutsu. We spent most of our lives, some even their whole lives living in other villages and gathering information for you. We sacrificed our young ones and also kept our clan a secret. Not even getting a hint of appreciation from the outside world.

Take care of my daughter Sensei. Give her an apartment and money for clothes, food, and ninja supplies. She will attend the Academy and become a genin to finish the task and found out the identity of her father.

                                                                  Noami  Hatsu

Hiruzen looked at his former student's daughter. She was the spitting image of her mother, except she doesn't have the Hatsu Clans blue memorizing blue eyes. That he knew all too well.

"Sorano how do you feel about going to school tomorrow?"

"It would honestly be a dream come true sir", she gave him a soft smile.

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