The "Tear drop" theory

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So, I know, I'm EXTREMELY late but I've been busy with school comming to an end and family stuff, but I have a new theory!

So, I was watching one of the new Steven Universe episodes and I noticed that the one gem (I can't think of her name off the top of my head) had a teardrop shaped gem. Almost as soon as Steven spoke to her, she summoned wings and flew off. This made me think. They were made of water, and the shape of her gem, who does that remind you of?

If you said Lapis, I agree! My theory here is that a gem shaped like a teardrop has the ability to summon wings made of water at will.

Now, I'm not positive if this applies to other gems, but it seems to be kind of close.

As we see, all the pearls have an oval shaped gem, and I'm pretty sure that they all possess spears.

This could also blend with the gem placement theory, but it's 10 PM and I'm too tired to expand on that idea.

Until next time!

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