Chapter 7

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I ran and I didn't look back, i was to scared to, I some how managed to get myself lost but I found a room with a few boxes in it I sat down on the floor behind the boxes, I didn't want anyone to find me, i start crying, I couldn't help it, Phil was the only family I had and now he's gone, I'm just a magnet for bad luck and death.

*time skip Steve's pov*

Stark and I managed to get the Helicarrier fixed, Thor was no where to be seen along with banner and (y/n) "we found these in Coulsons pocket, guess he never got you to sign them" says Fury throwing some Captain America trading card on the table, I picked one up and looked at it "has anyone seen miss flare" Fury says everyone looks at him shaking there heads, I got up and decided to walk around the Helicarrier and see if I could find (y/n) then I ran into Natasha "have you seen (y/n)" i asked, she shakes her head "she's probably hiding somewhere, this must be really hard on her" Natasha says looking down at her shoes, "why?" I ask then feel really dumb,

"Well when (y/n) was little her parents and brother and sister were murdered and (y/n) was kidnapped and sold to some place, where they did experiments on her for 2 years" Natasha says still looking down at her shoes "SHIELD found out about the place and shut it down, they found (y/n) inside, and since they couldn't risk her falling into the wrong hands Phil took her in and SHIELD changed her last name to Coulson"

When Natasha was done talking, I couldn't help but be amazed at the fact that someone so cheerful, kind, smart and beautiful could have suffered so much, I had walked off and continued to look for (y/n), I was on the storage level when I heard faint crys coming from a door, I slowly open the door and find (y/n) sitting on the floor crying.

*your pov*

I hear the door slowly open I looked up to see Steve standing in the door way "please just go away" I say through sobs, "sorry, but no can do" he says walking into the room closing the door behind him, he then sits next to me and pulls me into an embrace which calms me down a bit, but I continue to cry and Steve remains there helping me, being the kind, sweet, gentlemen he is, i felt safe.

*Steve's pov*

I looked down at (y/n), she had stopped crying it looked like she had fallen asleep and I was glad that she did because it hurt seeing her cry, where ever loki is he's going to regret ever stepping foot on earth, I wiped the tears off of (y/n) face and I picked up (y/n) and carried her to the room Natasha said to put her earlier, I put (y/n) on the bed and just as I was about walk out of the room, I felt someone grab my hand "could you please stay" (y/n) says "sure" I say, she then moves over and I lay down next to her, there was no doubt about it I'm falling in love with her.

Solar Flare ( a Captain America X reader) On Hold!Where stories live. Discover now