Chapter 21

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It had been a week since I moved in with steve, and tonight Tony was apparently throwing a party and everyone was invited, but I wasn't sure if I should go and I came up with good reasons not to go 1 i don't have anything to wear 2 people might freak out over my hole wings thing and 3 I don't want a repeat of what happened in school. But Steve convinced me to go so here I am wearing a dress that Natasha bought me, trying to fix my hair was terrible I just decided to pin up the top half and curl the rest that was still on my shoulders. After I was done struggling with trying to put on a dress with wings, I slip on my shoes which I'm most likely going to break my ankle in, I fold my wings close to my back like I do most of the day, I look in the mirror "let's get this over with" I say to myself then walk out of my room.

Steve was standing there waiting, when I walked out of my room he had a shocked expression on his face, but it was instantly replaced with his usual charming smile "Wow, you look beautiful" Steve says, which makes a blush creep up on my cheeks "so do you" I say then mentally slap myself "I mean you look handsome" he chuckles, then holds out his arm to me "shall we get going then" he says and I take his arm "lets" we walk out of Steve's apartment and down to my car, which we both agreed it would be best to take my car rather than Steve's motorcycle, Steve opens up the passenger door for me to get in and after I'm in the car he closes the door, then walks around to the driver's side.

We soon arrive at stark tower where Tony is holding the party, the valet guy opens my door for me, i thank him as Steve walks around the car and hands the keys to the man, after that Steve walks up to me and holds his arm out again and I gladly take it. Once we make it to the floor we where told the party was on i instantly regret coming in the first place, as soon as we walked in everyone stopped everything they where doing and stared at me and Steve, at this moment in time I wanted to turn invisible, wings clinched to my back, I see Tony walk over "hey (y/n), Steve, glad you could make it" Tony says "i have one question though, since when where you to a thing?" I stayed silent, then I thought of the perfect thing to say "no comment" I say then walk off and see Nat sitting at the bar, so I decided to join her.

Ok i have a little announcement drum roll please... I now have a tumblr account and I'm going to be posting this book on there as well (once I figure out how to do that) I'm also going to be posting my art work on tumblr as well, my name is the same as on here, btw something else I wanted to say was thank you for all of your support of this book it truly means alot to me, so once again thank you

I hope you all have a wonderful day or night ~ Amber out😍😎

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