Chapter 29

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little side note, i forgot about the dog... so heres more of the doggo! (but for the sake of the doggo i am going to change his name to Joey (after Joey Tribiani -i think thats how you spell his last name, but not sure-) i am at one point going to get a dog and name it Joey (fight me if you dont like it (but please dont i will lose)))

after a bit -and you not having another "vision"- Bruce finally gave up on montioring you. boy were you happy about that, considering you could finally go to the restroom with out Steve standing outside the door. now you were sitting in your and Steve's bedroom with Joey laying across your legs and a book in your hands. you heard the door open, but you didn't look away from your book. you figured it was Steve and that was confirmed when Steve's half of the bed sunk down. Joey got up and went over to Steve to greet him.

(i had to re-write this whole chapter after this...)

you were to focused on reading that you hadn't noticed Steve get into the shower and Joey jump off the bed to go lay in his own bed. after awhile you got board of reading and dicided to try and sleep. you put your book on the nightstand and turned off your light as Steve walked out of the restroom. you tried to not look at Steve as he only had a towel around his waist, but in all honesty it was hard to not look as he is your boyfriend and hot as hell. you closed your eyes and cuddled down into your pillow. after a bit you felt the bed dip on the other side and Steve curl into your back.

you were trying to go to sleep, but you just couldn't. your mind was running to much and their was too much to process. then you heard it. Steve was snoring. very loudly. you had no idea Steve snored until now casue you were always he first one to go fall asleep. so this was a huge dicovery. the one and only Captain America snores, you were so going to tease him about it later. (was gonna make a lumberjack joke but i wont) you were getting restless, so after a few minutes of planning you got up and replaced your body with a pillow. Joey got up and picked up his rope toy. looking at you with the cutest look on his faces he held the toy up to you.

"okay" you whispered "we'll play fetch, but we have to go to the training room, Got it?" Joey wagged his tail and did circles still holding the toy. you tip towed to the door and opened it as quietly as possible. you walked out into the hall with Joey following, then very silently closed the door. then y'all headed down the hall still careful as to not make a lot of noice.

when you both got to the training room you cracked the door and peaked through as to make sure no one was in there. once you confirmed no one was in there you opened the door and let Joey run in. you walked in and closed the door behind you. then Joey dropped the toy at your feet.

you bent down and picked up the toy, throwing it across the room you watched as Joey chased it then grabbed it and brought it back. you walked over to the benches and sat down. Joey set the rope toy in your lap, then you grabbed it and threw it. your mind wondered as your body went into autopilot on throwing the toy repeatedly.

what were thoughts eye? and who did they belong to? you wished you could figure out everything that your brain was trying to tell you. but is it even your brain? you had so many questions in your head that needed to be anwsered, but they probably never would be. you were trying to put to an to toghter and then the thought crossed your mind. What if those eyes belong to Ultron? that was all it took to snap you out of your trace. everything seemed to register in your mind. the floating city. the red eyes. the blue and red blur. all of it was connected in one way or another.

you sprung up from the bench making Joey jump back and drop his toy. you left the room and went to the nearest computer to try and look up info, an hopefully find something anything about that city. when you did get to a computer and started to try and search nothing was working. you tried to even accsess google, but even it wasn't working.

i hope you enjoyed this i'm sorry it took forevvvvver for me to get this out! - Caly out!

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