chapter 10

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I was told loki was at stark tower, as soon as i was told I left without anyone knowing. I went outside on the Helicarrier and jumped over the edge, with the scars on my back glowing brighter then ever before.

I flew as fast as I could 'loki is going to pay' I think as I'm flying.

*time skip brought to you by Castiel dancing to shake it off*

I finally made it to new York to see a portal open up in the sky and aliens coming through it, one of the aliens attacks me and so I burn it alive with ease and I make my way to Stark tower. I look through the windows of the tower and see Tony talking to loki, loki picks up Tony by the neck and throws him through the window, I take this as my chance to beat the crap out of loki 'ready to wish you where dead loki' I think to myself, as I thought that my hair turned into fire and my eyes glowed white. I fly through the window and come face to face with loki "well if it isn't the worthless Midgardian freak" Loki says with a devilish grin on his face, I hear Tony's suit fly up behind me "(y/n) watch him will you?" Tony says with a robotic like voice, I nod my head in Tony's way then turn back around to loki.

I grab my new swords and push the buttons "ready to wish you where dead, loki?" I ask him tilting my head to the side a bit, he just scoffs and I take that as my queue to charge at him, loki trys to turn me like he did Clint but I deflect the blow using my swords, I deflect a few more attacks he throws at me then I take my chances and try to throw a blow, I managed to cut him across the chest; but it heals instantly, so I grab him by the neck and light my hand on fire, I just stand there for what seemed like 30 minutes burning his neck like it was nothing, but then I hear someone behind me "lady (y/n) please let my brother go, I know he has hurt you but please let me take him back to asgard where he will pay for what he has done" I recognize the voice to belong to Thor, I turn around for a split second and see Thor 'I am no better than loki if I kill him' I think to myself then I let go of Loki's neck and he falls to the ground gasping for air, I walk past Thor and pick up my swords then walk out to the balcony and I jump over the edge and fly off.

As I was flying i saw Steve jump from a window and then a explosion, so I flew down as fast as I could and catched Steve. He looked up at me surprised when he didn't hit the ground, "thought you could use a lift" I say and then set Steve down on the ground, "thanks" I hear Steve say, i set him down on the ground and land. I look around me, taking in what is left of new York, I look over towards stark tower and see hulk go up there. I smirked to myself 'oh loki better run, hulks going to beat the crap out of him' I then chuckle and I notice Steve is stareing at me "do i have something on my face?" I ask Steve, he shakes his head "no, its just your hair is on fire and your eyes are glowing" he says, then I realized I probably looked like a demon from supernatural and I made my hair go back to its natural (y/h/c) and my eyes turned back to (y/e/c).

*Steve's pov*

Once (y/n) sets me down on the ground I finally get a good look at her face and her hair is on fire and her eyes are glowing bright white, "do I have something on my face" (y/n) says, I shake my head no "no, its just your hair is on fire and your eyes are glowing" I say, then her hair and eyes go back to normal, "guys we got a problem, there's a nuke headed for New York" Tony says over the coms, I look at (y/n) "what?" She asks.

"There's a nuke headed strait towards New York"


I know, I know I said this chapter was going to be extra long but my mom had to go to the hospital and I left my charger at home, don't worry she's fine but I didn't get to write for two days so I'm going to upload another chapter tomorrow night and hopefully I will be able to write all today. So have a wonderful day ~weabo_amber out😎😘

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