Chapter 18

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I woke up after being unconscious for I'm guessing several hours, my head is pounding I looked back up to the camera to see it gone. What the heck, I get up and punch the door and couple of times, leaveing dents in the door, I look at my fist shocked because I didn't punch the door that hard. I try banging the door with my body this time, the door fell down on the 3rd try. I was in a hall way, I look down the hallway and see hydra agents running towards me, i get up as fast as I can and start running. I was running faster than ever before, what ever they did to me it was weird, I round a corner and enter a large room, where there are probably 30 agents there all pointing guns at me. They start firing at me, i panic and crouch down in the floor using my new wings to block the bullets, and to my surprise it actually worked, I didn't feel any pain.

The firing of bullets stopped, I got up off of the ground and looked a round me then I saw him, the winter soldier, at least that's what people call him. I stared strait at him, and he stared strait back at me. I wish I had my swords, but that could kill him and I have a hunch that he's not doing this because he wants to, it's because he's being forced to. Then I realized that my arm didn't hurt anymore, it was healed. Then the winter soldier charged at me and I didn't have enough time to deflect the attack, he grabbed me by the neck and held me above the ground. I kicked my legs trying to get free when something Flys by hitting the winter soldier in the head, I fall to the floor trying to catch my breath "now I know how loki felt" I mumble to myself as I put a hand on my throat. I then finally look around me and what I saw made me smile from ear to ear.

*Steve's pov, earlier that day*

I stood in SHIELD HQ watching Tony and Bruce scan the world for high amounts of radiation "we found her she in Tura, Russia" Tony says out of no where wich startled me out of my thoughts "Im gonna go let Fury know" Bruce says then leaves. A little bit later Fury walks in with a agent following behind "this is Ben smith he will be helping you guys rescue (y/n)" Fury says, then leads us to a jet to take us to Tura, Russia.

We soon arrive where (y/n) is and we see a some what big building, we found a door and went inside and when we entered into saw the man from the video holding (y/n) up in the air by her throat. I throw my shield and hit him in the head making him drop (y/n) and knocking his mask off and stumble back, i looked at his face and I was beyond shocked "Bucky?" I ask.

Solar Flare ( a Captain America X reader) On Hold!Where stories live. Discover now