Chapter 19

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I watched as Steve stared at the winter soldier "Bucky?" Steve says, "who the hell is Bucky" Bucky says, then I look behind Steve and see a hydra agent about to shoot Steve. I get up as fast as I can and push Steve out of the way as they shoot, I then feel a sharp pain in my abdomen, I look down at my stomach and see blood seeping out of the bullet wound. But the blood stops seeping out of the wound and I can feel it slowly healing, then the bullet comes out of the wound and it's completely healed. I then look around me and see the winter soldier no where to be seen and all of the hydra agents laying on the floor with shield agents every where, Steve then walks up to me and pulls me into a tight embrace and I return the embrace (like the picture above).

We stand there hugging each other for what seemed like half an hour, what all this made me realize is how much I love Steve, I would give my life for him if it came down to it. We separate from the hug and Steve picks me up bridal style and starts to take me out of there "you don't have to carry, I can walk" I say slightly blushing "I know" he says and continues to carry me out. We soon arrive at a shield jet, which I'm guessing is how they got here, after Steve sets me down i fold my wings up close to my back. Then Steve walks up and sits next to me as the pilot came back "Fury gave me orders to take y'all back" the pilot says then gets in the pilot seat and starts up the engine, I noticed Steve stareing at the floor and I knew exactly what he was thinking "hey we'll find him" I say with a soft smile. Not a minute later the jet lands back at shield and we are instantly greeted by Natasha who give me a hug "Can't. breath." I say and Natasha releases me from her tight grip "Fury wants to see you" Nat says.

*time skip brought to you by Dean trying to sing but failing miserably*

After Fury's long lecture, i was sent to Bruce's lab for him to take some of my blood for experiments, I was finally aloud to go home. Home that was another problem hydra destroyed my door and who knows what else, Steve had offered to take me back to my apartment and I gladly accepted. When I got back i walked up the stairs and to where my door should be, but now there's police tape. I sigh and tare down the police tape, I'm just thinking about what my landlady is going to do when she finds out about this but I lucked out a little because she's on vacation right now. Steve had followed me up to my apartment, i sigh again looking where bed was and how it was thrown in to my wall. I walk over to my bed and pull it out of the wall and set it down right, then I realized some thing I just lifted my bed by myself. I stare shocked at what I just did "Wow, your stronger than I thought" Steve says, i turn around and say "I was never this strong before, so this is new"

"Since your apartment is destroyed, your more than we come to stay at my place I have a spare room you can have" Steve says

"I might have to take you up on that offer, since shield didn't even get a new door for my apartment nor did they try to fix anything" then I realized something "where's my car!" I yell at myself then run down stairs to see if I can find my car.

Solar Flare ( a Captain America X reader) On Hold!Where stories live. Discover now