Scary story 2 ( The ax murderer )

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A student was driving to her house on a late evening , when she hears the news reporter on the radio saying that an ax murderer escaped  , and is walking in the neighborhood. The student is terrified but she says to herself to calm down and to drive straight home . On 30 kilometers of her house , she needs to fill . Angry and scared she goes to the nearest gas station . Where a man comes to help her . She says what needs to be done trough her window ( not wanting to get out of the car ) and the man does his work . During the proces the man looks a few times intently at the student , wich is weird . When its done , the student gives her credit card to the man and he goes inside his office . A few minutes later he comes back and says that he called the ' Credit Card Company ' cause theres something    wrong with her credit card and they ask to come to the phone . The student is forced to come out and she walks to the office . When she is inside she hears that the man closes the door and lock it . Terrified she turns around and looks at the man who says ' I'm sorry I scared you but there was a man with an ax under your back seats ' ......

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