Scary story 14 ( The babysitter )

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There once was a girl , 17 years , who was babysitting on 3 lovely children . When the kids finally slept , all in the same room , the phone rang . She picked up : no answer . After 15 minutes again : of course no answer . She just thinks to herself : ' It's just a stupid prankster ! ' But after a while she gets another call , now she hears panting and moaning . Every minute she gets a phone call and really gets tired of them . So she calls the police . But they cannot help her . Angry and hopeless she calls to Belgacom . They say they will try to help and that they will call her back when they found something . And after a series of terrifying phone calls , Belgacom calls the girl to say that they found something scary : ' Girl , we could not detect the number , but we found out that the calls are comming from inside your house ! ' Full of panic the girl runs to the attic to look and yes . There is a phone with the handset off the hook , like the person just ran away . After that she goes to the room of the children . There she finds the 3 heads of the children hanging at the door , without no sign of the killer .
Now you just need to know : killer never found ! And several times has the same thing happened , every time with the same babysitter ! Weird !! ;)

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